Grim Dawn Wiki
We Need Food
File:We Need Food.png
Quest Info

Given by:



Devil's Crossing


Devil's Crossing


Main quest


An Old Threat


Infested Fields


XP, Reputation

We Need Food marks the beginning of the Act 3 main quest line, and is offered by Mornay after completing the An Old Threat quest.


With Cronley's Gang finished, it's time to deal with the prison's dwindling food supplies. You must find out if the farmlands of Homestead can still support Devil's Crossing, or if the Grim Dawn has claimed them as it did Burrwitch.


  • Speak to Barnabus in Devil's Crossing
  • Cross the bridge near Twin Falls to enter Homestead
  • (Or) Travel through Smuggler's Pass
  • Follow the Prospector's Trail to Homestead
  • Clear out the Aetherials outside Homestead
  • Speak to Douglass in Homestead


After receiving the quest from Mornay see Barnabus, who will supply directions to Homestead. He gives two possible routes, but the Twin Falls Bridge is irreparably damaged and the only course is to travel through Smuggler's Pass. From the Broken Hills travel through the Barren Highlands to the Pass, which will in turn bring you out into Deadman's Gulch.

Ulgrim can be found here with a small group of survivors; you can gain the A Timely Arrival and Too Late for Rescue side quests from them.

You will then need to travel through the Mountain Deeps to the Prospector's Trail. The road from here will take you northeast to Homestead. Clear the monsters just outside then enter and talk to Douglass to complete the quest.


Normal Elite Ultimate
XP 4000 29000 60000
Devil's Crossing

Quest Log[]

Quest log

With the Cronley and his gang dealt with, Captain Bourbon feels it is imperative to deal with the prison's dwindling food supplies. Mornay instructed you to speak to Barnabas about a potential solution to the problem.


  • Speak to Barnabas in Devil's Crossing

With the bridge connecting to the Arkovian Foothills repaired, you must now carve your way through the wilderness to rediscover a way to the once thriving farming community that supplied the Burrwitch region with its harvests.

Start by following the road out into the Arkovian Foothills, all the way through Old Arkovia. If the bridge near Twin Falls still stands, you can cross it to enter the farmlands, otherwise you may have to find another path. Barnabas mentioned an old smuggling route that ran through the Broken Hills. If you cannot traverse the bridge, you should look for Smuggler's Pass instead.


  • Cross the bridge near Twin Falls to enter Homestead
  • (Or) Travel through Smuggler's Pass

You have traveled through Smuggler's Pass and emerged in Deadman's Gulch. If Barnabas' memory is to be believed, there has to be a way to Homestead through here.


  • Follow the Prospector's Trail to Homestead
  • Clear out the Aetherials outside Homestead
  • Speak to Douglass in Homestead