Grim Dawn Wiki
Vengeful Wraith Complete "A spirit of vengeance."

Vengeful Wraith is a common component for use in Amulets and Medals, and is obtained primarily through crafting.

The Blueprint: Vengeful Wraith is available from the Rovers Faction Quartermaster after reaching Respected status.

Required player level: 24

Item level: 30


1/3 +4% Cold Damage
+8% Frostburn Damage with +5% Increased Duration
+2 Offensive Ability
20 Cold Retaliation
2/3 +8% Cold Damage
+16% Frostburn Damage with +10% Increased Duration
+5 Offensive Ability
40 Cold Retaliation
3/3 +12% Cold Damage
+25% Frostburn Damage with +15% Increased Duration
+8 Offensive Ability
60 Cold Retaliation


Crafts one Vengeful Wraith Partial Component.

Chthonic Seal of Binding Icon Chthonic Seal of Binding (1)
Ectoplasm Complete Ectoplasm (1)
Chilled Steel Complete Chilled Steel (1)

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