Grim Dawn Wiki
Patch Notes
v1.0.0.5 Aug 4, 2016
v1.0.0.4 June 8, 2016
v1.0.0.3 Apr 29, 2016
v1.0.0.2 Mar 16, 2016
v1.0.0.1 Feb 29, 2016
v1.0.0.0 Feb 25, 2016
B31 Feb 22, 2016
B30 Jan 13, 2016
B29 Dec 23, 2015
B28 Nov 25, 2015
B27 Aug 22, 2015
B26 June 12, 2015
B25 May 11, 2015
B24 Feb 24, 2015
B23 Dec 20, 2014
B22 Nov 15, 2014
B20 Sept 29, 2014
B19 June 10, 2014
B18 Apr 23, 2014
B17 Feb 26, 2014
B16 Jan 01, 2015
B15 Nov 14, 2014
B14 Nov 04, 2013
B13 Oct 18, 2013
B12 Sept 13, 2013
B11 May 30, 2013
B10 May 24, 2013
B9 May 19, 2013
B8 Minor May 15, 2013

v0.3.5.7 (b27 Hotfix 2)[]


  • Fixed a rare crash caused by fragmenting projectiles
  • Fixed a rare crash caused by monsters attempting to navigate to targets outside the world
  • Fixed an occasional crash when loading new areas
  • Fixed a bug where mouse buttons 4+ would not correctly activate some skills
  • Individual damage types on the Character Sheet now include a percentage of Percent Chance damage


  • Monster damage adjusted down on Normal and Veteran
  • Monster spawn level ranges updated so you are less frequently fighting monsters significantly above your level. Monsters in challenge areas continue to have a boost to their level. In addition, monsters no longer scale up in level based on number of players in a multiplayer session. This should result in a more reasonable/predictable threat when playing with others.
  • Health potions adjusted to 35% instant healing, up from 25%, and 40% over time, down from 50%.
  • Queen Ravna's impale attack has been adjusted to be less bursty


  • Item loot tables updated so that lower level equipment stops dropping sooner at higher levels
  • Affix loot tables updated to provide an increased drop rate of double affix items and rares. This change impacts Champion monsters and above, as well as Chests. The strongest monsters (ex. bosses) drop less single-affix Magic items and more double-affix items and rares.
  • Crafting rates improved for Magical quality blueprints, with a reduced rate of single affix Magic items by 25%, increased rate of double affix Magic items by 20% and an increased rate of Rare items by 10%
  • Caster weapon loot tables have been overhauled. Caster weapons now favor affixes which match their respective elements. This does not mean that you will never see other affixes (ex. you can still get Officer's on a Chaos wand), but the rate has been significantly reduced.
  • Reduced all armor physique requirements by ~5% on Common armor and ~6% on Epic armor (about 60 physique difference on a level 50 Heavy Armor Torso)
  • Fixed stat issues with several MI weapons, particularly spectral weapons. When these weapons were changed to use base magic damage + Conversion, their flat variable magic damage was not properly removed in some cases, resulting in overtuned damage. In addition, some weapons had a mismatch of their damage type and what damage they converted to.
  • Relic - Juggernaut: reduced chance of Stun duration to 1.5s from 2s

[Class & Skills]


  • Pneumatic Burst: % Healing increased by 2% by rank 12. Health regeneration increased to 33, up from 25.
  • Breath of Belgothian: % Health Regeneration increased to 33%, up from 25%
  • Shadow Dance: Defensive Ability bonus scaling increased to 85, up from 75, by rank 12
  • Fixed a bug in Amarasta's Blade Burst which prevented weapon damage from being applied correctly


  • Maiven's Sphere of Protection: Conversion removed, % Total damage penalty is now fixed at -25% at all ranks. Added a Casting Speed penalty that scales down with rank.


  • Devouring Swarm: reduced Resist Reduction to -75% at rank 16 and -100% at max ultimate rank
  • Stormcaller's Pact: increased % Lightning Damage and added flat Electrocute damage for weapon attacks


v0.3.5.6 (b27 Hotfix 1)[]

Some significant changes to enemy balance on veteran and to a lesser extent for normal. The result is that early game shouldn't feel too much different but difficulty should ramp up more at higher levels.


  • Fixed a bug where female player characters equipped with a ranged weapon and offhand, for all classes, would lose sight graphically of the offhand after casting a spell.


  • Fixed Percent Damage Converted To Health being included in DPS calculations
  • Calculated skill damage on tooltips now includes chance based damage modifiers
  • Fixed calculated retaliation damage on skill tooltips using incorrect damage modifiers
  • Fixed pet attributes on tooltips from pets spawned from items not being updated correctly
  • Fixed missing +Shaman skills count on second char stats tab.


  • Enemy physical damage range slightly increased on all difficulties
  • Enemy damage increased on veteran
  • Health potions adjusted. Now 25% of max life healed instantly with 50% of max life returned over a short duration.
  • Reduced the amount of projectiles fired by Zantarin the Immortal's basic attack and increased the delay between Revenant summons


  • Fixed the missing granted skill on Soulthief
  • Increased % Conversion on two-handed weapon Prefixes and Epics
  • MI Weapon base damage updated to be 30% magic and 70% physical. Base Conversion on MI Weapons reduced to compensate for this change (no impact on affixes rolled on MI Weapons, or attached Components). Net result is that MI weapons do more magic damage than before.
  • Added a new Epic level 50 mace to support Coldburn melee builds
  • Epics: reduced % Conversion on one-handed Epic weapons to 15% from 20%, to match Rare Prefixes
  • Epics: increased % Damage Converted to Health on select Epics: Boneshard Lacerator, Chains of Anguish, Doomsaw of Gluttony, Gorefeast, Scythe of Tenebris, Thirsting Maw, Warp Shard
  • Epic - Frigid Barrel of the Relentless North: base damage updated to deal significant coldburn damage instead of physical. Conversion from Physical to Cold removed
  • Epic - Hellmaw Shotgun: added base Fire damage, but reduced % Conversion
  • Epic - Stormcaller's Spellblade: replaced % Energy Absorbed with % Electrocute damage, reduced % Lightning damage
  • Prefix - Vampiric: increased % Damage Converted to Health, but made it a chance effect
  • Rare Prefix - Bloodthirsty: increased % Damage Converted to Health, but made it a chance effect
  • Rare Suffix - Arcane Lore: replaced Requirement reduction with Elemental Resist
  • Component - Haunted Steel: increased % Damage Converted to Health to 8%, but reduced % Vitality damage and removed % Energy
  • Component - Hollowed Fang: increased % Vitality Damage to 25%, but reduced % Damage Converted to Health to 4%
  • Relic - Conflagration: increased the energy cost of the skill to more closely match the output-to-energy cost ratio of Aether Ray. Conflagration is still more efficient energy-wise.

[Class & Skills]

  • Fixed an issue with Conversion on buff skills not being properly applied. (Ex. Iskandra's Elemental Exchange, Maiven's Sphere of Protection, Stormcaller's Pact)


  • Military Conditioning: reverted the addition of flat Physical damage
  • Cadence: reduced % Weapon damage and flat Physical damage scaling with rank
  • Fighting Spirit: reworked with shorter duration / cooldown and more scaling of bonuses. % Physical damage replaced with % Total damage.
  • Menhir's Will: % Health restored starts lower but scales up faster in early ranks to same cap
  • Cadence: No longer costs extra mana when a hit that does not result in a charge occurs.


  • Fixed an issue with Ulzuin's Chosen not affecting Grenado
  • Mortar Trap: added a summon limit. The lack of a summon limit was actually unintended as its damage was not balanced around having multiple of them out at the same time, but an increase to the summon limit was added at Ultimate Ranks as a bonus for focusing on such a playstyle.
  • Heavy Ordnance: reduced stun duration to 1s from 1.5s
  • Skyfire Grenado: increased Conversion to 50%


  • Solael's Witchfire: added Conversion to Chaos, scaling to 15% at rank 12
  • Sigil of Consumption: % Damage Converted to Health now scales from 15% to 30%, scaling up to 33% at ultimate ranks, as opposed to the prior flat 25%
  • Destruction: changes reverted, % Vitality damage removed and fire damage restored. I had somehow gotten the notion that people found the fire damage pointless but, based on the reaction to it's removal, I'm glad to see it was serving its purpose and it has been restored.


  • Blade Spirit: slightly reduced starting damage and damage scaling with rank


  • Removed the Critical Damage bonus from Aether Ray. It was moved to Disintegration, but never properly removed from the base skill.
  • Iskandra's Elemental Exchange: reduced Conversion scaling with rank to 25% at rank 12, scaling up to 30% at ultimate rank.
  • Maiven's Sphere of Protection: Conversion to Physical now starts at 30% and scales down to 15% by rank 12, to 10% by max ultimate rank
  • Manifestation: now also grants 10/20/30% Conversion to Elemental for Pets


  • Devouring Swarm: % Damage Converted to Health now scales with rank, reduced energy cost
  • Devouring Swarm: can now be cast repeatedly by holding down the appropriate button or key.
  • The Briarthorn now correctly casts Emboldening Roar. Added an FX to the skill and its buff.
  • Savagery: slightly reduced % Weapon damage
  • Storm Touched: reduced % Attack Speed, % Lightning and Electrocute damage scaling with rank
  • Squall: now deals Electrocute damage instead of Lightning damage
  • Maelstrom: shifted more of the Lightning damage to Electrocute damage. Reduced number of targets hit with rank.
  • Torrent: slightly reduced the jump range of Torrent's Chain Lightning. Starting max damage and damage scaling with rank slightly reduced.
  • Primal Spirit: increased damage and health scaling with rank
  • Stormcaller's Pact: reduced Conversion to Lightning to 15% and removed flat Lightning damage
  • Wendigo Totem: slightly reduced healing with rank
  • Feral Hunger: % Weapon damage and % Damage Converted to Health start lower, but scale up quickly back to the original values within the first few ranks of the skill
  • Primal Strike: no longer incorrectly charges double mana cost.
  • Torrent: now correctly shows number of targets hit on the tooltip for the next skill level.


v0.3.5.5 (b27)[]

We are proud to announce that Build 27, the release of our 6th and final Mastery, is now live!

With this major update, you may now create class combinations using the wild Shaman class, master of storms, beasts and savage two-handed weapon combat. This build also includes an extensive look at game balance, changes to itemization and the addition of two new areas to explore.

But that's not all Build 27 has to offer, take a look below for the full (massive) list of changes.

There are still many exciting things left on the horizon for Grim Dawn as we push towards Content-Complete this year! Future updates will include the Act 4 Finale, a second Rogue-like Dungeon, Legendary items and the Devotion system!

[Major New Features]

  • The 6th and final mastery is now available: Shaman. The Shaman mastery opens up new opportunities for players seeking the power of lightning, additional summoned minions and powerful two-handed melee techniques.
  • The vile swamps of East Marsh are now accessible. Travel to the east of Burrwitch and take on two new mini-bosses.
  • A new chest has been introduced: Treasure Trove. Rumors speak of vast quantities of Iron Bits that Treasure Troves contain, but the only way to open them is with the use of Dynamite. Treasure Troves are scattered around the far reaches of the world.
  • Nemesis bosses now have a chance to drop Warrants, which boost Infamy gained with the respective faction by 50% across all difficulties. Warrants can be freely traded between players.
  • The Damage per Second display on the Character sheet has been overhauled. It now displays the DPS of your Left Mouse Button attack, with a detailed damage break-down in the tooltip. This calculation assumes a single target and takes into account all of your bonuses, including the skill's cooldown.
  • Two new Damage per Hit calculations have been added to the Char II tab of the Character Sheet which provide a Damage calculation of the skills you currently have set on the Left and Right Mouse Buttons, with a detailed breakdown in the tooltip. These calculations assume a single target and take into account all of your bonuses.
  • Skill tooltips now take into account all of your bonuses and update dynamically as you swap out equipment.


  • Updated Underground Cellar art set
  • Art adjustment pass on swamp environments


  • Fixed a crash when crafting items quickly
  • Fixed a crash which could sometimes occur when loading the world
  • Fixed a bug where skills bound to mouse wheel events would activate repeatedly
  • Fixed a bug with pet skills not getting properly boosted from +skill bonuses on items
  • Fixed certain item attribute tags being singular when plural should be used
  • Fixed some spells not properly benefiting from critical damage bonus on equipment
  • Large item tooltips can now be scrolled using the mouse wheel.
  • Fixed conversion attributes merging into a percentage point of value 1.


  • Fixed an issue where dual wielded pistols were clipping incorrectly through female players character's offhand


  • The Grobles that have seized Tyrant's Hold have discovered an entrance to the inner chambers. Bloodfeast has moved his camp deep inside the Fort.
  • Increased the spawn rate of Nemesis bosses
  • Faction reputation has been changed so that your reputation is not reset across difficulties. Faction Writs are now available at Honored for a high price as a shortcut to reaching Revered. Quartermaster rewards will no longer update on higher difficulties. Higher level faction equipment will be available in the future in the form of blueprints. For the Kymon's Chosen vs Order of Death's Vigil decision, you will have the option of switching your loyalties on higher difficulties (resetting your reputation with those groups).
  • Bounty Tables now offer the same bounties to all players in a Multiplayer session
  • Possessed Archmage's Arcane Shield has had its % Reflect reduced, but it now scales with level up to its original value and the skill deals Aether retaliation in addition to the reflected damage
  • Bolvar the Bloodbinder now has a more pronounced animation when casting his Chaos Barrage, but the skill launches more projectiles
  • Nathaniel and his goons for the Burn the Taken quest have had their damage reduced
  • Order of Death's Vigil Dreadlords now summon Revenants less often and use their Vitality tendril attacks with significantly reduced frequency
  • Increased the threat of various Kymon's Chosen spawns so that they better compete with their Order of Death's Vigil counterparts
  • You can now ask the Chosen and Order emissaries about the equipment their respective factions offer
  • The Bladesworn Talisman is now offered by the Devil's Crossing Quartermaster instead of the Black Legion Quartermaster
  • Quest - An Old Threat: Outlaw lieutenants are no longer required targets for this quest. The quest can now be turned in retroactively if you have slain Darius Cronley before accepting it.
  • Quest - Disarming the Enemy: the quest is now retroactive if you destroy at least 3 Forges during a single session, prior to accepting the quest
  • Bounty: Manticore Eye has been replaced with a new bounty targeting Cavern Crawlers in the Mountain Deeps. Anyone currently on this bounty will have it erased from their quest log.
  • Increased drop rate of the Depraved Sanctuary key
  • Increased drop rate of Kilrian's Shattered Soul and Kilrian's Skullbreaker
  • Sound effects for Gunfire and Crossbow shots have been updated


  • Duplicate Unique items should now drop far less frequently in a single session thanks to optimized quantum algorithms
  • Conversion: the order of events on Conversion from gear has been changed. It is now: Skills -> Skill Modifiers -> Skill Conversion -> Equipment Conversion -> Equipment Modifiers and Skill Passives/Auras. Previously, Conversion on Equipment would be the last step.
  • Magic Affix loot tables have been updated so that lower level affixes stop dropping sooner, increasing the probability of getting appropriate-level bonuses dramatically.
  • Additional tiers of Magic % Damage suffixes have been added for Weapons so upgrades are available more consistently. This does not increase the number of possible affixes; instead, the affixes are replaced more frequently with better versions.
  • Base damage values on weapons have been significantly increased with level. Overall, we felt that going up weapon tiers was unrewarding and there was too much reliance on good RNG to get a decent weapon. Now most of a weapon's flat damage comes from its base values, and less from its affixes. This change necessitated adjustments to the stat requirements formula. While we tried to maintain the same progression, you may find that the requirements on your weapons may have shifted a few stat points.
  • With the above weapon damage rebalance, two-handed guns and crossbows have had their damage increased more, so that their ratio to one-handed guns is closer to that of two-handed vs one-handed melee weapons
  • In addition, the penalty on Pierce ratio has been slightly reduced, shrinking the DPS gap between weapons with high Pierce ratio and those without any
  • To compensate for the weapon damage rebalance, flat damage bonuses on all equipment have been reduced, or in some cases removed entirely
  • As the above changes have a significant impact on hybrid characters' ability to collect their desired element, physical-to-magic damage Conversion is now more readily accessible on Components, Prefixes and Uniques
  • Armor values have been significantly increased with level to provide reasonable protection against incoming damage. Heavy Armor in particular should be better at absorbing hits from non-bosses. Armor requirements have been recalculated based on these changes, resulting in a small increase in physique requirements on standard Armor and Heavy Armor at level 30+ and a slight reduction in Physique requirements to Caster Armor.
  • Attribute Magic suffixes have been removed from the loot tables for weapons, and the chance of getting weapons with % damage bonuses has been increased
  • Caster Implements can now roll +Skill prefixes. Magic Class prefixes have had their % damage bonuses increased
  • Caster Implements now also have base % damage bonuses
  • Shield Damage has been increased to match the increase for melee weapons, Physique requirements slightly increased at higher levels
  • % Attack Damage Converted to Health bonuses have been reduced, and in some cases removed/replaced, on all equipment. In addition, it no longer scales above 100% Weapon Damage on skills (ex. 20% life steal with 200% Weapon Damage would still be 20%, not scale up to 40%).
  • Item Pets: Innate damage / life scaling with level reduced in accordance to B26 changes to Occultist mastery summons. This change did not make B26 and is simply bringing item pet scaling in line with those summoned by Mastery skills, which they are not meant to out-compete.

Epic Items

  • Epic: many granted item skills have had their cooldowns reduced and stats improved
  • Epic: reduced + Skill bonuses on various Epics
  • Epic - Chains of Anguish: increased cooldown on the skill to 60s and reduced resistance penalty to -50%
  • Epic - Black Grimoire of Og'Napesh: removed bonus to Physique and Pet % Health bonus, reduced Pet % Damage bonus
  • Epic - Death Ward: removed the unintentionally high Cold damage bonus
  • Epic - Falcon's Claw: + skill bonuses replaced with bonuses to Shaman skills
  • Epic - Guardsman's Defender: added +1 to Blitz
  • Epic - Hulking Legguards: Added % Trauma damage bonus, physique reduced to 25, % Armor and flat Physical damage removed. The chance to activate Earthquake has been increased to 5% and the values on the skill have been updated.
  • Epic - Jewel of the Royal Crown: reduced Health bonus
  • Epic - Scythe of Tenebris: replaced Cast Speed bonus with Cooldown Reduction
  • Epic - Spiritstone Charm: reduced Pet % Health bonus
  • Epic - Warmonger's Belt: reduced the Defensive Ability penalty on the proc from -150 to -30
  • Epic - Warpath Girdle: replaced Physical damage bonuses with % Bleed damage and % Trauma damage, reduced Attack Speed to 4%
  • Epic - Wyrmclaw: reduced Pet % Defensive Ability bonus, replaced % Acid damage with 50% Pet Fire Damage
  • Updated several item skills (Ex. Death Ward's Defy Death) that had a chance to activate on low health to instead always activate at a fixed health %, as they were originally intended

Magic and Rare Items

  • Magic Suffix - Celerity: added additional tiers of this suffix for Accessories, starting with lower values but ending at higher values. Items currently rolled with this suffix will have the first tier. New items will roll with the level-appropriate version.
  • Faction - Augments: reduced Offensive and Defensive ability bonuses, level requirements increased
  • Faction - Devil's War Seal: reduced Pet % Defensive Ability bonus
  • Faction - Rhowari Mantle: reduced Pet % Damage bonus
  • Rare Affixes: Focus-only prefixes and suffixes have had their stats updated. Several suffixes can no longer drop, as they are redundant with the changes made, and are considered Legacy items (Affliction, Conflagration, Defiler, Squalls, Storms, Winter Storm)
  • Rare Prefixes: 2 new prefixes, Demonic (Chaos + Vitality) and Aetherfire (Aether + Fire), can now drop on Focus, Armor and Accessory items
  • Rare Prefixes: updated bonuses on various weapon rare prefixes
  • Rare Prefixes: updated class-specific rare Prefixes with the addition of a new tier. The current bonuses are being shifted up to a level 65 version.
  • Rare Prefix - Incorruptible: reduced bonuses
  • Rare Prefix - Inquisitor's: stats redesigned to favor Elemental builds
  • Rare Prefix - Flamecaster's: renamed to Enchanter's, bonuses redesigned to favor Elemental builds
  • Rare Prefix - General's: stats redesigned
  • Rare Prefix - Hoarfrost: renamed to Incanter's, redesigned to favor Elemental builds. can now drop on all weapon types instead of just ranged weapons
  • Rare Prefix - Imposing: removed % Armor bonus
  • Rare Prefix - Light Bringer's: stats redesigned to favor Elemental builds and Cast Speed
  • Rare Prefix - Menacing: reduced Offensive Ability bonus
  • Rare Prefix - Paladin's: replaced % Physique bonus with % Protection, increased retaliation chance to 5%
  • Rare Prefix - Renegade's: reduced Offensive Ability bonus
  • Rare Prefix - Resonant: stats redesigned to favor Elemental builds
  • Rare Prefix - Savage: renamed to Relentless
  • Rare Prefix - Sandstorm: stats redesigned to favor Elemental builds
  • Rare Prefix - Seraphim: reduced Defensive Ability bonus
  • Rare Prefix - Stonehide: removed Defensive Ability bonus
  • Rare Prefix - Stormheart: this prefix can now drop on all weapon types instead of just ranged weapons
  • Rare Prefix - Thunderstruck: reduced Offensive Ability and increased Electrocute Retaliation on Accessories
  • Rare Prefix - Tyrant's: reduced % damage reduction and removed Offensive Ability, but increased Cunning bonus
  • Rare Suffixes: consolidated some weapon suffixes. Conflagration, Defiler, Shattering, Torrents and Wildfire now give a bonus to absolute and damage over time. Affliction, Hurricane, Squalls and Winter Storm can no longer drop on weapons and are considered Legacy items.
  • Rare Suffixes: replaced the + Skill bonuses on the following Armor suffixes: Amarasta's Flurry, Destruction, Dreeg's Gaze, Maiven's Wit, Oleron's Wrath and Solael's Malice
  • Rare Suffixes: increased chance of generating Ring-only suffixes on Rings
  • Rare Suffixes: added 5 new suffixes for Rings with + Skills: Amarasta's Flurry, Destruction, Dreeg's Gaze, Oleron's Wrath and Solael's Malice
  • Rare Suffixes: Fallen Skies and Nature's Bounty have been split off into an Armor-only version and a Rings-only version. This change is retroactive, so Accessories already rolled with these suffixes will have the Armor-version stats, but new Accessories (except Rings) will not roll these suffixes.
  • Rare Suffix - Albrecht's Focus: this suffix now only drops on rings
  • Rare Suffix - Anomalies: replaced flat Aether damage with Cast Speed, added bonus to Callidor's Tempest, now has Aether Retaliation at all levels
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Annihilation: added Spirit bonus
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Arcane Balance: increased % Fire and % Cold damage bonuses
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Arcane Blaze: increased % Fire damage bonus, added bonus to Callidor's Tempest
  • Rare Suffix - Basilisk: stats redesigned for defensive builds
  • Rare Suffix - Bestial Rage: reduced pet % Attack Speed bonus
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Blight: increased % Vitality damage bonus and added Cast Speed bonus, but removed flat Vitality damage and reduced % Poison duration
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Cabal: increased % Chaos and % Poison damage bonuses, added bonus to Curse of Frailty
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Cruelty: increased chance of % Bleed damage, but reduced % Bleed duration bonus
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Devourer: can no longer drop. Items already with this suffix are considered Legacy items.
  • Rare Suffix - Diviner: replaced flat Chaos damage with Cast Speed, added bonus to Doombolt, now has Chaos Retaliation at all levels
  • Rare Suffix - Dranghoul: reduced Offensive Ability bonus on Armor
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Elements: added Cast Speed bonus
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Fallen Skies: increased % Cold and % Lightning damage bonuses
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Flamecaller: increased % Fire damage bonus, added bonus to Thermite Mines
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Fury: reduced Offensive Ability bonus
  • Rare Suffix - Gildam Arcanum: added Cast Speed Bonus
  • Rare Suffix - Glacier: added bonus to Flash Freeze, now has Freeze Resistance at all levels
  • Rare Suffix - Hellhound: renamed to Incineration, added Cast Speed, replaced Fire Retaliation with bonus to Blackwater Cocktail, no longer gives a % Fire damage bonus to Pets
  • Rare Suffix - Hurricane: added a bonus to Wind Devil, now has Stun Resistance at all levels
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Insanity: updated stats
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Sage: increased drop rate of this suffix
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Sanctification: updated stats
  • Rare Suffix - Shadows: removed Cunning bonus
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Shattered Reality: increased % Aether and % Chaos damage bonuses
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Slayer: increased chance of % Pierce damage
  • Rare Suffix - Slith: replaced Poison Duration Reduction with bonus to Dreeg's Evil Eye, Poison Damage duration now scales up with suffix tier
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Solael's Malice: increased % Chaos damage bonus
  • Rare Suffix (Weapon) - Voidfire: increased % Fire damage bonus

Crafting and Relics

  • Relic - updated Class-specific crafting bonuses: removed % Damage bonuses, replaced bonuses to base skills to instead be bonuses to skill modifiers, and reduced the bonus from +2 to +1
  • Relic - Ancestor: attributes bonuses have been replaced by +1 to Shaman skills (new crafting bonus table to match) and 25% Vitality resistance for pets. % Defensive ability bonus increased to 5%. Pet damage bonus increased to 35%. Bonuses on granted skill increased, but the reserved energy has also been increased.
  • Relic - Blight: increased Poison damage significantly on the granted skill to offset the risk of being in melee range
  • Relic - Desolation: this Relic's effect can now activate off of any melee hits taken, rather than at low health. Cooldown reduced significantly.
  • Relic - Rampage: reduced Offensive Ability bonus on this Relic's triggered effect to 40
  • Relic - Savagery: renamed to Savage. Reduced Pet % Damage and Health bonuses. Bonus to all Shaman skills removed and crafting bonus table reverted. Any crafted Savagery Relics will retain their current crafting bonus. The Stormhound has learned to cleave its enemies with storm claws. Cooldown and energy cost of Summon Stormhound increased.
  • Relic - Zeal: chance to activate this Relic's effect increased.
  • Crafting: reduced crafting cost of Magic-quality blueprints
  • Crafting: reduced crafting cost for Explorer's Tunic, Explorer's Trousers and Guardsman's Breastplate
  • Crafting: increased item level on rare crafted armor, stats and requirements increased accordingly. The blueprints will continue to drop at the same level so that you have a chance to acquire the blueprints well in advance of when the armor is useful. This change is retroactive.
  • Crafting: improved bonuses on Brutal Great Axe, Brutal Carver, Adept's Wand and Scepter rare blueprints
  • Crafting: replaced % Attack Speed on Ranger's Ribbon and Badge with Pierce Resistance


  • Components: many component-granted skills have been revised, in some cases buffed significantly. More are now spammable to offer up new options to casters of various elements, while others have had their cooldowns reduced. Chaos Strike is now a teleport akin to Nightblade's Shadow Strike, Lightning Strike has been replaced with a Lightning Nova.
  • Components: updated sell values on all Components, with higher level Components being worth significantly more than entry-tier Components
  • Components: Weapon Components can now roll Cast Speed as a completion bonus, reduced % Attack Speed bonuses to 4%
  • Components: Most Components previously restricted to melee weapons can now also be applied to Shields and Caster Off-hands (ex. Amber, Coldstone, etc.)
  • Components: All Components previously restricted to guns and crossbows can now also be applied to Caster Off-hands (ex. Flintcore Bolts)
  • Components: Chains of Oleron and Hallowed Ground have had their Completion bonus table redone. They now generate +1 to two skills from a Mastery. All non-mastery bonuses can no longer be generated. +1 to Mastery bonuses have been replaced with the new +1 to two skill bonuses.
  • Components: Imbued Silver and Purified Salt have been redesigned. While thematically, these Components made sense, they were not particularly appealing or competitive with other options offered. These Components now serve as defensive options on weapons.
  • Component - Ancient Armor Plate: removed % Total damage bonus, % Protection bonus increased to 6%
  • Component - Arcane Spark: reduced Offensive Ability bonus to 25
  • Component - Attuned Lodestone: stats redesigned
  • Component - Chains of Oleron: stats updated
  • Component - Dense Fur: replaced % Constitution bonus with Bonus Armor
  • Component - Hallowed Ground: stats updated
  • Component - Haunted Steel: completion bonus table replaced with standard Rare Weapon Component table
  • Component - Kilrian's Shattered Soul: increased % Vitality damage to 25% and Vitality resistance to 20%, added % Fire damage
  • Component - Mark of Mogdrogen: removed penalty to Beasts and Beastkin, increased Health Regeneration to 15
  • Component - Mark of the Traveler: removed penalty to Beasts and Beastkin, added 10% Slow resistance
  • Component - Roiling Blood: reduced Offensive Ability bonus to 16
  • Component - Serrated Spike: now also provides 12% Bleed damage
  • Component - Silvercore Bolts: stats redesigned, completion bonus table replaced with standard Rare Weapon Component table

[Class & Skills]

  • Mortar Traps, Thermite Mines and Blade Spirit summons have been overhauled to scale with player stats instead of pet bonuses. We felt that the fantasy around those skills never quite fit the summoner role but, due to technical limitations, it was necessary for them to scale with pet bonuses. With recent tech changes, we are now able to make those skills function as they were always intended: as standard player skills. Summoned minions such as the Raven and Hellhound continue to scale with pet bonuses.
  • Damage over Time from multiple sources (ex. Poison on Weapon and from Dreeg's Evil Eye on the same target) no longer suffer from diminishing returns and now deal full damage
  • A new damage multiplier has been added for Transmuters. This modifier is multiplicative with other % bonuses, which are normally additive. Most transmuters have been rebalanced with this new mechanic.
  • Fixed an issue where + Skill bonuses to skills with % Weapon Damage would not properly apply the % Weapon Damage of the increased skill rank. As skills were balanced around this bug, some skills have had their % Weapon Damage values adjusted at Ultimate skill ranks.


  • Field Command: increased Offensive/Defensive Ability and % Protection scaling with rank
  • Blade Arc: animation speed increased and energy cost reduced
  • Clean Sweep: rebalanced to use new damage multiplier, removing the % damage bonuses
  • Laceration: increased % Bleed and % Trauma damage
  • Tremor: rebalanced to use new damage multiplier for its penalty, dropping the - % Physical damage and reducing the - % Weapon Damage
  • Rending Force armor reduction increased - max level went from 105 to 180.
  • Warcry: cooldown increased from 5s to 6.5s and % Total damage reduction lowered at cap from 45% to 36%.
  • Break Morale: increased from 8 to 12 ranks as it seemed like too much payout for so little investment, especially given that Soldier has fewer total points than other masteries. Physical resistance reduction was also scaled down slightly.
  • Military Conditioning: added a Physical damage bonus. Cadence and Deadly Momentum have been trimmed back to compensate.
  • Cadence: added an energy cost and reduced Physical damage scaling with rank
  • Deadly Momentum: reduced flat Physical damage scaling with rank


  • Skills affected by Ulzuin's Chosen can now be properly respecced as long as at least one remains learned
  • High Impact: reduced the % Physical damage bonus by 50% at all ranks, slightly reduced Fire damage scaling with rank
  • Skyfire Grenado: increased Lightning and Electrocute damage scaling with rank. Rebalanced energy cost scaling to be similar to that of High Impact.
  • Stun Jacks: Flat damage was able to be increased with Quick Jacks being shifted to use a new damage multiplier for it's penalty
  • Quick Jacks: rebalanced with new damage multiplier instead of the % Lightning and % Physical damage penalties. Effect on DPS will vary with build but moderately well equipped test characters saw a slight increase. The penalty shouldn't be as harsh at lower levels since it is multiplicative instead of additive but should retain more significance at higher levels.
  • Mortar Trap: rebalanced to scale with player stats instead of Pet bonuses. Projectile speed increased, delay between attacks reduced. The Big One now fires sooner.
  • Thermite Mines: rebalanced to scale with player stats instead of Pet bonuses. Energy cost reduced.
  • Fire Strike: % Weapon Damage now scales with rank, % Physical damage bonus increased at ultimate ranks
  • Searing Strike: rebalanced with new damage multiplier, removing the % damage bonuses. Now also works with rifles and crossbows in addition to melee weapons.
  • Flame Touched and Temper: increased % Damage bonuses. Added % Physical Trauma bonus to Temper.
  • Concussive Bomb: rebalanced with new damage multiplier instead of the % Total damage penalty


  • Bloody Pox: now remains active on dead enemies for the duration of the effect
  • Dreeg's Evil Eye: % Weapon damage has been adjusted down to a more reasonable level
  • Focused Gaze: radius increased, % Acid and % Poison damage bonuses increased, added 100% Poison Duration
  • Sigil of Consumption: energy cost slightly reduced and damage scaling increased. Destruction modifier damage slightly reduced and cost increased. Intention was just to equalize the damage for cost more between the base skill and the modifier.
  • Curse of Frailty: added Energy Leech
  • Consecrated Blade: now works with rifles and crossbows in addition to melee weapons


  • Pneumatic Burst: Cold damage exchanged for Life Regeneration
  • Night's Chill: added Poison resistance reduction
  • Nightfall: added % Weapon damage and increased Cold damage
  • Blade Spirit: rebalanced to scale with player stats instead of Pet bonuses. Energy cost and cooldown reduced significantly.
  • Phantasmal Armor: increased Armor and Energy Leech scaling with rank
  • Focused Throw: added additional blades, increased % Pierce damage and % Life Leech
  • Fixed an issue with Amarasta's Blade Burst not dealing % Weapon Damage
  • Nidalla's Hidden Hand: updated tooltip to correctly state that Pierce damage is Converted to Acid, not Poison. This was a display issue only.
  • Weapon pool skills have been adjusted to promote Pierce a little more, over Blademasters just going for straight Physical damage modifiers, especially with the boost to base physical weapon damage this build


  • Albrecht's Aether Ray: damage and energy cost increased slightly. % Critical Damage bonus moved to Disintegration.
  • Disintegration: the % Weapon damage on this skill was not properly scaling with weapon damage and has been removed. This change has a minimal impact on Aether Ray's damage.
  • Arcane Will: increased Total damage bonus by 10% at all ranks. The skill now activates when below 70% health
  • Iskandra's Elemental Exchange and its modifiers have been revised
  • Callidor's Tempest: rebalanced with new damage multiplier, removing the % damage bonuses
  • Maiven's Sphere of Protection has been turned into a toggled buff since it was seen as overlapping too much with Mirror of Ereoctes and also given the preponderance of active skills on Arcanist. The stats have been adjusted based on the ability to have it always on.
  • Olexra's Flash Freeze: damage and energy cost increased, Fire Resistance reduction on targets increased significantly
  • Absolute Zero: increased Coldburn damage scaling with rank and slightly increased % Total Speed Reduction, added Physical Resistance reduction
  • Reckless Power: % Health penalty now starts at -40%, but decreases with rank to -20% at rank 12, and -15% at rank 22. Previously, the health penalty increased with rank.
