Patch Notes | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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- Finalized minimap north pointer art.
- On Attack spells on items should now properly trigger.
- Increased visibility on Warden's spike attack.
- Summoned creatures no longer grant experience or drop items.
- Darlax, Devourer of Dreams should no longer stun for excessive amounts of time.
- Decreased potion cost and cooldown.
- Increased potion drop rates.
- Reduced skillpoint reclamation cost.
- Adjusted the distribution of Components to further favor armor over weapons.
- Melee auto-target config adjusted to allow melee skills that hit multiple targets to hit enemies a little further away.
- Soldier: Increased health per level provided by the mastery training / decreased % health provided by Military Conditioning.
- Blitz cooldown and energy cost reduced; damage adjusted accordingly and with more emphasis on absolute physical and less on weapon % to make it less gear dependent.
- Blade Arc reworked with cooldown but lower energy cost, targets increased from 3-5, % weapon dmg increased significantly, physical dmg converted to physical trauma duration dmg, % chance of knockdown added.
- Will to Live cooldown reduced from 32 to 30 and duration increased from 5 to 6 seconds.
- Fixed Counterstrike, removing the non-functioning % weapon dmg and adding physical and bleed damage.
- Buffed the Forecwave modifier Rending Force, increasing damage modifier and armor reduction.
- Removed chance to freeze from Zombie Cold One melee attack - now only chance to freeze on cold nova skill.
- Adjusted Occultist and various other skills to accomodate the fixed bonus damage to non-elemental magical damage types.
- Buffed Blackwater Cocktail modifier Intense Heat.
- Slightly increased the bonus to physical damage provided by cunning.
- Character stats now shows block recovery time.
- Improved resource preloading for objects outside the immediate view frustum.
- Improved the speed at which player state data is saved.
- Improved the speed at which database records are loaded by the engine.
- Fixed many cases where resources would not be preloaded result in stuttering, more to come!
- Fixed a bug where characters could jump between different levels of the navigation mesh.
- Fixed a bug where clicking an item while holding shift would cause the player to move.
- Fixed a crash that could occur when no sound devices were present on a system.
- Fixed a bug where the window would not be centered when launching the game in windowed mode.
- Fixed a bug where spirit based bonuses would not be applied to certain damage types.
- Fixed a bug where total damage modifiers would not affect aether or chaos damage.
- Fixed a bug where stackable items would behave incorrectly when added to the stash.
- Fixed a bug where screenshots would overwrite each other.
- Fixed a bug where minimap graphics would be rendered out of order.
- Fixed a bug which caused the area name display to vanish when changing graphics options.