Grim Dawn Wiki

This page lists all Epic and Legendary Boots in Grim Dawn.

Epic Foot Armor[]

Level Req.
The Final March 14
Molten Walkers 14
Explorer's Footpads 18
Windborne Greaves 18
Boots of Unseeing Swiftness 25
Stonewrought Groundbreakers 27
Bloodhound Greaves 30
Rifthound Leather Boots 32
Dreadnought Footpads 40
Hellion Greaves 50
Desecrator Treads 50
Spellsage Boots 58
Serpentine Wraps 67
Magelord's Greaves 75


Level Req.
Empowered Final March 58
Empowered Molten Walkers 58
Empowered Stonewrought Groundbreakers 58
Empowered Bloodhound Greaves 65
Empowered Boots of Unseeing Swiftness 65
Empowered Windborne Greaves 65
Empowered Dreadnought Footpads 75
Empowered Rifthound Leather Boots 75

Legendary Foot Armor[]

Golemborn Greaves 50
Venomspine Greaves 50
Wyrmscale Footguards 50
Boneshatter Treads 65
Voidwalker Footpads 65
Wraithwalkers 65
Windshear Greaves 75
Stormtitan Treads 75
Earthshatter Treads 75
Footpads of the Grey Magi 75

WeaponsArmorShieldsOff-HandsAccessoriesUnique ItemsSetsMonster Infrequents