This page lists all Epic and Legendary Chest Armor in Grim Dawn.
Epic Chest Armor[]
Empowered Doomforged Breastplate | 58 |
Empowered Malduin's Cloth | 58 |
Empowered Bloodreaper's Coat | 65 |
Empowered Chestguard of Perdition | 65 |
Empowered Fused Carapace Armor | 65 |
Empowered Guardsman's Breastplate | 65 |
Empowered Gunslinger's Jacket | 65 |
Empowered Herald's Jacket | 65 |
Empowered Miasma Robes | 65 |
Empowered Nighthunter's Chestguard | 65 |
Empowered Wildcaller's Skins | 65 |
Empowered Skinflayer Raiment | 75 |
Empowered Fanatic's Overcoat | 75 |
Empowered Zolhan's Battle Plate | 75 |
Legendary Chest Armor[]
Devil's Cage Hauberk | 50 |
Fiendscale Jacket | 50 |
Gazer Man | 50 |
Shroud of Illusion | 58 |
Dread Armor of Azragor | 65 |
Vestments of the Great Guardian | 65 |
Korvoran's Chestguard | 75 |
Chestguard of Justice | 68 |
Beastcaller's Shroud | 68 |
Demonslayer's Jacket | 75 |
Clairvoyant's Robe | 75 |
Deathmarked Jacket | 75 |
Divinesteel Hauberk | 75 |
Fiendmaster Raiment | 75 |
Iskandra's Vestments | 75 |
Markovian's Platemail | 75 |
Frostdread Cuirass | 75 |
Trozan's Vestments | 75 |
Ultos' Cuirass | 75 |
Ulzuin's Chestguard | 75 |
Valdun's Jacket | 75 |
Vestments of Dreeg | 75 |
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