- "Regalia worn by the medics and soothsayers dedicated to helping those in need, designating them as healers with no diplomatic affiliation."
The Apothecary is a unique Item Set.
A Player level of 40 is required for use. This set also has a level 65 Empowered version, The Soothsayer.
Set Bonuses[]
1/4 | none |
2/4 | +12 Health Regenerated Per Second |
3/4 | Increases Health Regeneration by 40% |
4/4 | Granted Skills Empyrion's Touch (10% Chance on Attack) The light of Empyrion soothes the wounds of nearby allies. 5 Second Skill Recharge 3 Second Duration 12 Meter Radius 3% + 300 Health Restored +100 Health Regenerated per second |