Grim Dawn Wiki

Solael's Decimation is a Mythical Relic.

This item can only be acquired by crafting. A Blueprint is required.


Solael's Decimation Relic Icon

Solael's Decimation

"They said no man could harness such power, so I ceased to be a man."
Mythical Relic

+60% Vitality Damage
+60% Chaos Damage
+34 Spirit
+52 Offensive Ability
+3% Offensive Ability
+1 to All Skills in Occultist

Granted Skills

Decimation (100% Chance when Hit)
Unleash the fury of Solael upon any who would dare strike his chosen servant.
Affects up to 5 targets
0.5 Second Skill Recharge
86-174 Vitality Damage
86-174 Chaos Damage

Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70

Completion Bonuses[]

+1 to Blood Burst
+1 to Black Death
+1 to Storm Spirit
+1 to Destruction
+1 to Vulnerability
+1 to Vile Eruption
+1 to Mend Flesh
+1 to Hellfire
+1 to Second Rite
+1 to Storm Spirit
+1 to Wasting
+1 to Vulnerability
+1 to Ember Claw
+1 to Armor of the Guardian
+1 to Destruction
+1 to Infernal Breath
+1 to Armor of the Guardian
+1 to Vile Eruption
+1 to Manipulation
+1 to Storm Spirit

WeaponsArmorShieldsOff-HandsAccessoriesUnique ItemsSetsMonster Infrequents