Grim Dawn Wiki

Slaughter is a Transcendent Relic. This item can only be acquired by crafting. A blueprint is required.


Slaughter Relic Icon


"Not all nightblade assignments end with a clean kill."
Transcendent Relic

10% Chance of 165 Bleeding Damage Over 3 Seconds
+20% Pierce Damage
+50% Bleeding Damage
+18 Cunning
+1 to All Skills in Nightblade

Granted Skills

Bloodbath (Granted by Item)
A vicious technique that leaves your enemies hemorrhaging profusely, leading to a slow and painful death. This is a melee dual-wielding technique. Also enables the ability to dual wield melee weapons.
88 Energy Cost
3 Second Skill Recharge
360 Degree Attack Arc
8 Target Maximum
+70% Weapon Damage
525 Bleeding Damage Over 5 Seconds

Required Player Level: 35
Item Level: 35

Completion Bonuses[]

+1 to Heart Seeker
+1 to Devouring Blades
+1 to Nidalla's Justifiable Ends
+1 to Shadow Dance
+1 to Night's Chill
+1 to Nether Edge
+1 to Nightfall
+1 to Amarasta's Blade Burst
+1 to Circle of Slaughter

WeaponsArmorShieldsOff-HandsAccessoriesUnique ItemsSetsMonster Infrequents