Grim Dawn Wiki
Silvercore Bolts Complete "Purge evil with the faintest scratch."

Silver Spread (Granted by Item)
Launch a burst of silver-coasted projectiles intended to kill Chthonic beings.

54 Energy Cost

3 Second Skill Recharge

5 Projectiles

80% Weapon Damage

125-250 Piercing Damage

+50% Damage to Chthonics

+62 Damage to Chthonics

Silvercore Bolts is a Rare component for use in Guns, Crossbows, and caster Off-Hands. It is obtained primarily through crafting.

The Blueprint: Silvercore Bolts is available from the Devil's Crossing Faction Quartermaster after reaching Respected status.

Required player level: 27

Item level: 35

Grants Skill: Silver Spread (Granted by Item)


1/4 1 Piercing Damage
+4% to All Damage
7 Reduced target's Defensive Ability for 5 Seconds
+5% Damage to Chthonics
2/4 2 Piercing Damage
+8% to All Damage
14 Reduced target's Defensive Ability for 5 Seconds
+10% Damage to Chthonics
3/4 3 Piercing Damage
+13% to All Damage
21 Reduced target's Defensive Ability for 5 Seconds
+15% Damage to Chthonics
4/4 4 Piercing Damage
+18% to All Damage
30 Reduced target's Defensive Ability for 5 Seconds
+20% Damage to Chthonics


Crafts one Silvercore Bolts Partial Component.

Aethershard.tex Aether Shard (3)
Imbued Silver Complete Imbued Silver (1)
Roiling Blood Complete Roiling Blood (1)

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