Grim Dawn Wiki

The Shaman

Shamans are untamed fighters capable of brutal strength and ferocity that would make most men take a step back and reconsider their chances; but that wild side is equally matched by their connection to the skies and the power of lightning storms. Shamans expertly combine the use of two-handed melee weapons with storm powers. Backed by their patron deity, Mogdrogen the Beast God, they fearlessly charge into battle with lightning surging through their fierce weapons, the scorched earth and corpses still reeling from the electricity coursing through them the only sign of their passing.


Hailing from the untamed northlands, Shamans were the spiritual leaders and guardians of their people. Claiming an astounding attunement to the wilds and their patron deity Mogdrogen, Shamans are capable of wielding the terrible forces of nature against their foes or even calling upon savage beasts to come to their aid. Shamans excel in the use of brutal two-handed melee weapons, but can easily adapt to other tools of war when conjuring their primal powers.

Skill Tree[]

1 5 10 15 20 25 32 40 50
Brute Force (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Feral Hunger (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Upheaval (Skill) Icon Wendigo Totem (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Blood Pact (Skill) Icon
Primal Strike (Skill) Icon Connector Branch DownConnector Bottom Connector TopTransmuter (Skill) IconConnector Bottom Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Torrent (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Storm Surge (Skill) Icon Storm Totem (Skill) Icon Connector DownPlaceholder Blank (Skill) Icon Placeholder Blank (Skill) IconTransmuter (Skill) IconPlaceholder Blank (Skill) Icon Stormcaller's Pact (Skill) Icon
Savagery (Skill) Icon Connector Branch DownPlaceholder Blank (Skill) Icon Connector TopTransmuter (Skill) IconPlaceholder Blank (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Tenacity of the Boar (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Storm Touched (Skill) Icon
Wind Devil (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Raging Tempest (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Maelstrom (Skill) Icon
Devouring Swarm (Skill) Icon Grasping Vines (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Entangling Vines (Skill) Icon Conjure Primal Spirit (Skill) Icon
Summon Briarthorn (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Ground Slam (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Emboldening Roar (Skill) Icon Primal Bond (Skill) Icon
Mogdrogen's Pact (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Heart of the Wild (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Placeholder Connector (Skill) Icon Oak Skin (Skill) Icon

Shaman All Active Skills[]


Shaman All Active Skills

Mastery Progression[]

Mastery Icon6 Attunement to the primal call of the wilds.

Each point invested in the Shaman skill mastery gives the following stat bonuses:

  • +4 Physique
  • +3 Cunning
  • +3 Spirit
  • +26 Health
  • +12 Energy

Class Combinations[]

Combining the Shaman with another Mastery forms the following hybrid classes:

  • Warder (+ Soldier)
  • Elementalist (+ Demolitionist)
  • Conjurer (+ Occultist)
  • Trickster (+ Nightblade)
  • Druid (+ Arcanist)

Inquisitor Skills
Active Skills
Word of Renewal (Word of Arms, Vigor, Steel Resolve) • Word of Pain (Word of Agony, Death Sentence) • Horn of GandarrRune of Hagarrad (Biting Cold, Chillsurge) • Storm Box of Elgoloth (Allagast's Arcane Net, Lightning Tether) • Inquisitor Seal (Null Field, Arcane Empowerment) • Deadly AimRune of Kalastor (Ignition) • Artifact Handling
Passive Skills
Ranged ExpertiseBursting RoundChilling RoundsStorm Spread
Channeled Skills
Flames of Ignaffar (Tainted Flame, Intensify, Infernal Purge, Endless Flame)
Toggle Skills
Aura of ConvictionAura of Censure

Necromancer Skills
Active Skills
Siphon Souls (Sear Souls, Blood Boil) • Drain Essence (Gravechill, Hungering Reach, Decomposition) • Ravenous Earth (Decay, Foul Eruption) • Bone Harvest (Harvester of Death, Dread, Soul Harvest) • Ill OmenCall of the GraveMark of Torment
Passive Skills
Reaping StrikeNecrotic Edge
Toggle Skills
Harbinger of SoulsMaster of DeathSpectral Binding (Spectral Wrath)
Summoning Skills
Reap SpiritRaise Skeletons (Undead Legion, Will of the Crypt) • Summon Blight Fiend (Unstable Anomaly, Rotting Fumes, Blight Burst)

Oathkeeper Skills
Active Skills
Eye of Reckoning (Soulfire) • Vire's Might (Volcanic Might, Volcanic Stride, Tectonic Shift) • Aegis of MehnirJudgement (Crushing Verdict, Heart of Wrath) • Righteous Fervor (Dreeg's Reproach, Consecration, Retribution) • ResilienceAscension (Clarity of Purpose)
Passive Skills
SmiteSafeguardShattering SmashAvenging ShieldAegis of ThornsReprisal
Toggle Skills
Divine MandatePresence of Virtue (Haven, Rebuke) • Path of the Three
Summoning Skills
Summon Guardian of Empyreon (Scion of Dreeg, Celestial Presence)
