Grim Dawn Wiki
Serrated Shell Complete "A tough shell made all the more formidable by a series of razor sharp spines."

Brutal Shield Slam (Granted by Item)
Slam your enemy with your spiked shield, disabling lesser foes completely. Requires a melee weapon.

36 Energy Cost

3 Second Skill Recharge

275 Degree Attack Arc

3 Target Maximum

180% Weapon Damage

105-202 Physical Damage

33% Chance of 225 Internal Trauma over 5 Seconds

Generates Threat

Stun target for 0.5-2 seconds

Serrated Shell is a common component for use in Shields.

Partial components for this item can be crafted after unlocking the Blacksmith.

Required player level: 20

Item level: 25

Grants Skill: Brutal Shield Slam (Granted by Item)


1/4 -5% Shield Recovery Time
24 Piercing Retaliation
+5% Total Retaliation Damage
2/4 -10% Shield Recovery Time
56 Piercing Retaliation
+10% Total Retaliation Damage
3/4 -15% Shield Recovery Time
84 Piercing Retaliation
+15% Total Retaliation Damage
4/4 -20% Shield Recovery Time
112 Piercing Retaliation
+20% Total Retaliation Damage
Brutal Shield Slam (Granted by Item)


Aether Crystal Icon Aether Crystal (1)
Battered Shell Complete Battered Shell (1)
Serrated Spike Complete Serrated Spike (1)
Serrated Shell Complete Serrated Shell (Partial component - 1/4)

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