Grim Dawn Wiki
Sanctified Bone Complete "Desecrated bones made pure again by priests of various faiths."

Sanctified Bone is a common component for use in Head and Chest Armor, and is obtained primarily through crafting.

The Blueprint: Sanctified Bone is available from the Homestead Faction Quartermaster after reaching Respected status.

Required player level: 24

Item level: 30


1/4 +4% Vitality Resistance
3% Chaos Resistance
+3% Damage to Undead
+3% Damage to Ch'thonics
2/4 +8% Vitality Resistance
6% Chaos Resistance
+6% Damage to Undead
+6% Damage to Ch'thonics
3/4 +13% Vitality Resistance
9% Chaos Resistance
+9% Damage to Undead
+9% Damage to Ch'thonics
4/4 +18% Vitality Resistance
12% Chaos Resistance
+12% Damage to Undead
+12% Damage to Ch'thonics


Crafts one Sanctified Bone Partial Component.

Chthonic Seal of Binding Icon Chthonic Seal of Binding (1)
Corpse Dust Complete Corpse Dust (1)
Purified Salt Complete Purified Salt (1)

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