Grim Dawn Wiki
Riftstone Complete "Teeming with the raw power of a riftgate."

Chaos Strike (Granted by Item)
Leap through the Void to Strike at your enemies with the destructive power of chaos. Requires a melee weapon.

42 Energy Cost

4 Second Skill Recharge

140 degree Attack Arc

3 Target Maximum

220% Weapon Damage

86-320 Chaos Damage

+250% Movement Speed

Riftstone is a common component for use in Melee Weapons.

Partial components for this item can be crafted via the Blacksmith.

Required player level: 20

Item level: 25

Grants Skill: Chaos Strike (Granted by Item)


1/3 1-2 Chaos Damage
+8% Chaos Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage
2/3 1-5 Chaos Damage
+16% Chaos Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage
3/3 2-8 Chaos Damage
+25% Chaos Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Chaos Damage
Chaos Strike (Granted by Item)


Aether Crystal Icon Aether Crystal (1)
Roiling Blood Complete Roiling Blood (1)
Riftstone Complete Riftstone (Partial component - 1/3)

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