Grim Dawn Wiki
Restless Remains Complete "The remains of a tortured being denied it's rightful peace."

Restless Remains is a common component for use in Hand Armor, and is obtained primarily through crafting.

The Blueprint: Restless Remains is available from the Rovers Faction Quartermaster after reaching Respected status.

Required player level: 24

Item level: 30


1/3 +60 Energy
+3% Casting Speed
1% of Attack Damage converted to Health
2/3 +140 Energy
+6% Casting Speed
2% of Attack Damage converted to Health
3/3 +220 Energy
+10% Casting Speed
3% of Attack Damage converted to Health


Crafts one Restless Remains Partial Component.

Aethercrystal.tex Aether Crystal (1)
Ectoplasm Complete Ectoplasm (1)

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