Grim Dawn Wiki
Prismatic Diamond Complete "The core shimmers with untold power."

Prismatic Rage (Granted by Item)
The diamond's power can be tapped in dire situations, granting access to its true potential and untold cosmic forces.

Activates when Health drops below 40%

8 Second Duration

30 Second Skill Recharge

+10% Total Damage

+10% Total Speed

Prismatic Diamond is a Rare component for use in Head Armor.

This item can be crafted after finding a Blueprint: Prismatic Diamond.

Required player level: 45

Item level: 60

Grants Skill: Prismatic Rage (Granted by Item)


1/4 5% Damage Reflected
+6 Elemental Damage
2% Elemental Resistance
5% Energy Absorption from Enemy Spells
2/4 10% Damage Reflected
+10 Elemental Damage
3% Elemental Resistance
10% Energy Absorption from Enemy Spells
3/4 15% Damage Reflected
+14 Elemental Damage
5% Elemental Resistance
15% Energy Absorption from Enemy Spells
4/4 20% Damage Reflected
+18 Elemental Damage
7% Elemental Resistance
20% Energy Absorption from Enemy Spells
Prismatic Rage (Granted by Item)


Crafts one Complete Prismatic Diamond Component.

Aethershard.tex Aether Shard (9)
Arcane Spark Complete Arcane Spark (1)
Arcane Lens Complete Arcane Lens (1)
Radiant Gem Complete Radiant Gem (1)
Wrathstone Complete Wrathstone (1)

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