Grim Dawn Wiki

Pets are allied creatures summoned by the player to fight enemies. Pet stats and damage are increased by Bonus to All Pets affixes, although some that are granted by items will have their base attributes (Health, Energy, etc) scale with player level.

Pets can be obtained from Mastery, Devotion and Item Skills, and can be permanent or have a temporary life span. A list of all available pets can be viewed below.

List of Pets[]


Pet name Source Summon Limit Cooldown
Blighted Rift Scourge Amulet: Blightshard Amulet 1 60s
Briarthorn Shaman: Summon Briarthorn 1 18s
Storm Raven Occultist: Summon Familiar 1 18s
Hellhound Occultist: Summon Hellhound 1 30s
Revenant of Og'Napesh Off - Hand: Black Grimoire of Og'Napesh 1 60s
Stormhound Relic: Savage 1 45s
Chillmane Yeti Amulet: Heart of the Mountain 1 45s


Pet name Source Trigger Summon Limit Duration Cooldown
Black Scourge Scepter: Black Scourge 30% Chance on enemy death 3 ? ?
Bound Spirit Gloves:Necromancer's Deathgrips 30% chance on Enemy Death 3 20 secs 1 sec
Ch'thonian Devourer Mace: Black Hand of Sanar'Siin 30% on hit 3 ? 5 secs
Eldritch Hound Constellation: Bysmiel's Bonds 20% on attack 1 20 secs level-dependent
Primal Spirit Shaman: Conjure Primal Spirit n/a 1 20 secs 40 secs
Reckless Guardian Off-Hand: Karvor's Conjuring Bone 5% on Attack 1 22 secs 45 secs
suffix: of Binding 5% on Attack 1 22 secs 45 secs
Salazar's Harbinger Salazar's Sovereign Blade n/a 1 30 secs 120 secs
Skeleton Constellation: Revenant

20% on attack

3 10 secs 3 secs
Stalwart Guardian

Ring: Marrow Band

5% Chance when Hit 1 22 secs 45 secs
prefix: Keeper's % Chance on Block 1 22 secs 45 secs
Swarmling Relic: Primal Instinct 33% on attack 6 25 secs 2 secs

Will'O'Wisp in a Jar is a free pet at the start of game. Only use light up your way. It's permanent and your 1st pet
