Grim Dawn Wiki

Mistborn Talisman is an Empowered Relic.

It can be acquired only by crafting. A Blueprint is required, which can drop from Voldrak, the Destroyer in Smuggler's Pass, and Balegor, the Swamp King in the East Marsh.


Mistborn Talisman Relic Icon

Mistborn Talisman

"A talisman carried by trolls to drive them into a mindless battle-rage that does not end until every enemy is dead."
Empowered Relic

4-12 Physical Damage
+24 Physique
+8 Health Regenerated per Second
15% Poison & Acid Resistance

Granted Skills

Troll Rage (Granted by Item)
Wage battle like a ruthless half-troll. When used as your default weapon attack, Troll Rage throws you into an ever deeper fury with every strike, but at the cost of focus. Requires a melee weapon.
8 Energy Cost
7 Charge Levels: 30%, 50%, 65%, 80%, 90%, 100%, 110%
135% Weapon Damage
28 Physical Damage
-35 Offensive Ability

Required Player Level: 25
Item Level: 28

Completion Bonuses[]

+3% Physique
+3% Cunning
+3% Spirit
+3% Physique
+3% Cunning
+3% Physique
+3% Spirit
+3% Spirit
+3% Cunning
+3% Physique
+3% Spirit
+3% Cunning
+10% Physical Damage
+8% Pierce Damage
+10% Fire Damage
+10% Cold Damage
+10% Lightning Damage
+10% Acid Damage
+10% Vitality Damage
+5% Aether Damage
+10% Chaos Damage
+10% Bleeding Damage
+13% Poison Damage
+13% Internal Trauma Damage
+13% Burn Damage
+13% Frostburn Damage
+13% Electrocute Damage
+13% Vitality Decay Damage
+3% Offensive Ability

WeaponsArmorShieldsOff-HandsAccessoriesUnique ItemsSetsMonster Infrequents