Grim Dawn Wiki
Grim Dawn Wiki

The following materials are used for crafting.



Scrap Icon
Scrap Drops regularly from creatures and containers
Aether Crystal Icon
Aether Crystal Looted from Aether Crystal creatures
Aether Shard Icon
Aether Shard Crafted from Blacksmith
Aether Cluster Chance to drop from Aetherial creatures
Ancient Heart Icon
Ancient Heart Can drop from Beasts, Beastkin and Eldritch creatures
Blood of Ch'thon Icon
Blood of Ch'thon Can drop from Ch'thonic - aligned creatures
Royal Jelly Icon
Royal Jelly Can drop from Wasp Nest containers as well as Venomwing Bosses and Heroes
Tainted Brain Matter Icon
Tainted Brain Matter Can drop from Aetherial - aligned creatures
Manticore Eye Icon
Manticore Eye Can drop from Manticores
Chthonic Seal of Binding Icon
Chthonic Seal of Binding Can drop from Ch'thonic - aligned creatures
Skeleton Key Can be crafted

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