Grim Dawn Wiki
Mark of Dreeg Complete "An inscription of a lidless eye dripping tears of vitriolic blood."

Dreeg's Infinite Gaze (Granted by Item)
Unleash the infinite gaze of Dreeg around you.

102 Energy Cost

2.5 Second Skill Recharge

12 Projectile(s)

0.5 Meter radius

25% Weapon Damage

62 Acid Damage

498 Poison Damage over 3 Seconds

Mark of Dreeg is a Rare component for use in all Weapons, Shields, and Off-Hands.

Required player level: 15

Item level: 16

Grants Skill: Dreeg's Infinite Gaze (Granted by Item)


1/4 10 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
+7% Acid Damage
+7% Poison Damage
3 Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds
10% Physical Damage Converted to Acid Damage
+2% Light Radius
2/4 20 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
+14% Acid Damage
+14% Poison Damage
7 Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds
10% Physical Damage Converted to Acid Damage
+4% Light Radius
3/4 35 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
+22% Acid Damage
+22% Poison Damage
11 Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds
10% Physical Damage Converted to Acid Damage
+6% Light Radius
4/4 50 Poison Damage over 5 Seconds
+30% Acid Damage
+30% Poison Damage
15 Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds
10% Physical Damage Converted to Acid Damage
+6% Light Radius
Dreeg's Infinite Gaze (Granted by Item)

WeaponsArmorShieldsOff-HandsAccessoriesUnique ItemsSetsMonster Infrequents