Malediction is a Mythical Relic.
This item can only be acquired by crafting. A Blueprint is required.

"Plague and disease are an unmatched force, felling both the cripple and the warrior alike."
Mythical Relic
- 120 Poison Damage Over 5 Seconds
- +75% Poison Damage With +20% Improved Duration
- +60 Spirit
- +2.2 Energy Regenerated per second
- +5% Casting Speed
- 60% Poison & Acid Resistance
Granted Skills
- Malediction (Granted by Item)
- mbue your weapons with caustic poisons and virulent disease, infecting your enemies with every strike. This ability must be toggled to maintain its effect.
- 12 Active Energy Cost per Second
- +200 Energy Reserved
- 15% Chance of:
- 40% Slow target for 5 Seconds
- 50 Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds
- +40% Poison Damage
- 1660 Poison Retaliation Over 5 Seconds
Required Player Level: 60
Item Level: 60
Completion Bonuses[]
+3% Physique |
+3% Cunning |
+3% Spirit |
+3% Physique +3% Cunning |
+3% Physique +3% Spirit |
+3% Spirit +3% Cunning |
+3% Physique +3% Spirit +3% Cunning |
+3% Offensive Ability |
+30% Physical Damage |
+25% Pierce Damage |
+30% Fire Damage |
+30% Cold Damage |
+30% Lightning Damage |
+30% Acid Damage |
+30% Vitality Damage |
+30% Aether Damage |
+30% Chaos Damage |
+35% Bleeding Damage |
+35% Poison Damage |
+35% Internal Trauma Damage |
+35% Burn Damage |
+35% Frostburn Damage |
+35% Electrocute Damage |
+35% Vitality Decay Damage |
+12% Damage to Aetherials |
+12% Damage to Chthonics |
+12% Damage to Humans |
+12% Damage to Beastkin +12% Damage to Beasts |
+12% Damage to Undead |
Weapons • Armor • Shields • Off-Hands • Accessories • Unique Items • Sets • Monster Infrequents
Relics • Components • Augments • Blueprints • Recipes • Materials • Consumables
Relics • Components • Augments • Blueprints • Recipes • Materials • Consumables