- "Moneybags" Martin
- "The Big One" (Skill)
- "The Bruiser" Romanov's Note
- 3rd Company's Revolver
- A Catalyst
- A Cultist in the Midst
- A Familiar Face
- A Family Crisis
- A Final Salute
- A Forgotten Evil
- A Life for an Eye
- A Merciful End
- A Rover Rescue
- A Royal Remedy
- A Sacrifice
- A Sister's Gift
- A Strange Key
- A Strange Key (Item)
- A Strange Key (quest)
- A Stranger in Need
- A Terrible Discovery
- A Timely Arrival
- A Witch's Bargain
- Abandoned Storerooms
- Abandoned Waterfront
- Abby's Note
- Abominable Might (100% on Enemy Death)
- Abomination
- Absolute Zero (Skill)
- Absolution
- Accessories
- Achievements
- Acid Damage
- Acid Spray (15% on Attack)
- Acolyte's Cord
- Acolyte's Pledge
- Act 1
- Act 2
- Act 3
- Act 4
- Adornments of Valiance
- Aegis (relic)
- Aeon's Hourglass
- Aether-Scorched Note
- Aether-Ward Aura (Granted by Item)
- Aether Aura (Granted by Item)
- Aether Cluster
- Aether Corruption
- Aether Crystal
- Aether Crystal (Creature)
- Aether Crystal (Item)
- Aether Crystals
- Aether Damage
- Aether Shard
- Aether Soul
- Aether Tendril (Granted by Item)
- Aetherfire (15% on Attack)
- Aetherial
- Aetherial Essence
- Aetherials
- Aetherlord's Signet
- Aethersteel Arbiter
- Aethersteel Bolts
- Aetherstorm Amulet
- Aetherstorm Seal
- Aetherstorm Sigil
- Aetherwoe
- Aethoran, the Plaguebearer - Diseased
- Affliction
- Agonizing Flames (Skill)
- Agony
- Agrivix's Malice (relic)
- Akeron's Scorpion
- Alazra's Ruby
- Albrecht's Aether Ray (Skill)
- Albrecht's Duality
- Alchemist's Belt
- Alchemist's Mantle
- Aldanar's Vanity
- Alex
- Alicia
- Alister's Diary
- Alkamos' Agony
- Alkamos' Anguish
- Alkamos' Dread
- Alkamos' Scythe
- Alkamos' Torment
- Alkamos' Warsword
- Alkamos, Lord Executioner
- Allies Among the Ashes
- Alvarick's Rebuke
- Amarasta's Blade Burst (Skill)
- Amarasta's Quick Cut (Skill)
- Amarastan Pauldrons
- Amarastan Sigil
- Amatok the Spirit of Winter
- Amber
- Amkala
- Amulet of Scorched Earth
- Amulet of the Eye
- Amulets
- An Old Threat
- Anarchy
- Anarchy (Location)
- Anasteria
- Anatomy of Murder (Skill)
- Ancestor (relic)
- Ancestral Ward
- Ancient Armor Plate
- Ancient Heart
- Ancient Shambler
- And Not a Drop to Drink
- Angrim
- Anguish
- Annals of Arkovia
- Annals of Arkovia (item)
- Annals of Arkovia (quest)
- Annihilation (relic)
- Antivenom Salve
- Anvil
- Apothecary's Injector
- Apothecary's Sign
- Apothecary's Touch
- Apothecary's Wisdom
- Arachnid
- Aragonax, the Spirit Eater
- Arbiter (relic)
- Arcane Bomb (25% on Attack)
- Arcane Eclipse
- Arcane Harmony Leggings
- Arcane Lens
- Arcane Spark
- Arcane Will (Skill)
- Arcanist
- Arcanum Oil
- Arcanum Sigil
- Arcanum Sigillis
- Archive of Fates Untold
- Archon's Warmaul
- Archon Barthollem
- Arkovian Foothills
- Arkovian Undercity
- Armor
- Armory Explosion Investigation
- Ascended Casque
- Ascended Diadem
- Ascended Epaulets
- Ascended Shoulderplates
- Ascended Vestment
- Ashen Waste
- Aspect of the Guardian (Skill)
- Assassin
- Assassin's Blade
- Assassin's Calling
- Assassin's Mark (100% on Crit)
- Asterkarn Cleaver
- Asterkarn Road
- Asterkarn Valley
- Astral Mantle
- Attuned Lodestone
- Augments
- Autumn Boar
- Avalline's Note - Page 1
- Avalline's Note - Page 2
- Avalline's Note - Page 3
- Avarice of Androneus
- Avatar of Mogdrogen
- Avenger (relic)
- Avenger of Cairn
- Axes
- Azgalogg, the Corruptor - Defender
- Azure Matriarch
- Badge of Mastery
- Badge of Tenacity
- Badge of the Crimson Company
- Baldim, the Chaosbringer
- Balegor, the Swamp King
- Ballistic Plating
- Ballog'Nath, the Hellfire
- Balok'Anatu, Bloodfiend
- Balvoruuk
- Band of Black Ice
- Band of Wandering Souls
- Bane'Gargaroth, Guardian of the Gate
- Bane'Gargoth
- Bane'Zal, the Hellborn
- Bane of Nuram'Siin
- Bane of the Winter King
- Banshee's Misery
- Barnabas
- Baron Wradlith, Lord of the Lost Souls
- Baros Wradlith, Lord of the Lost Souls
- Barrelsmith's Crossfire
- Barrelsmith's Salvo
- Barrelsmith's Twins
- Barren Highlands
- Barrostrandt, the Ascended
- Basilisk Claw
- Bastion of Chaos
- Bastion of the Order
- Bat
- Battered Shell
- Beacon of Hope
- Beacon of the Winter's Veil
- Beast
- Beast Slayer's Mark
- Beastcaller's Cowl
- Beastcaller's Regalia
- Beastcaller's Talisman
- Beastkin
- Behead (Granted by Item)
- Behemoth
- Belgothian's Carnage (relic)
- Belgothian's Shears (Skill)
- Belts
- Benevald - Strange Wares
- Benn'Jhar, the Colossal
- Bernard
- Bernard's Slightly-Chewed Buckler
- Beronath's Fury (Granted by Item)
- Beronath, Reforged
- Berserker
- Berserker's Cowl
- Betrayal at Fort Ikon
- Binding Emerald of Mogdrogen
- Bindings of Bysmiel
- Black Death (Skill)
- Black Grimoire of Og'Napesh
- Black Hand of Sanar'Siin
- Black Heart of the Void
- Black Legion Insignia
- Black Legion Scouting Report
- Black Legion Scouting Report: Necropolis
- Black Scourge
- Black Star of Deceit
- Black Tallow
- Blacksmith
- Blacksteel Gauntlets
- Blackwatch Seal
- Blackwater Cocktail (Skill)
- Blackwood Arbalest
- Blackwood Wand
- Blade Arc (Skill)
- Blade Barrier (Granted by Item)
- Blade Barrier (Skill)
- Blade Breaker Sash
- Blade Spirit (Skill)
- Blade Trap (Skill)
- Blade Ward (Granted by Item)
- Bladedancer's Handguards
- Bladedancer's Talisman (relic)
- Bladeguard Leggings
- Blademaster's Talisman (relic)
- Blades of Nadaan
- Blades of Wrath (100% on Crit)
- Bladesworn Talisman (relic)
- Bladeward's Courage
- Blast Shield (Skill)
- Blazeguard Arbiter
- Blazethread Sash
- Bleeding Damage
- Blessed Cleaver of Mogdrogen
- Blessed Steel
- Blessed Torch
- Blessed Whetstone
- Blight (relic)
- Blightshard Amulet
- Blightstone Invoker
- Blind Fury (100% on Crit)
- Blind Sage
- Blindside (Skill)
- Blitz (Skill)
- Blizzard (100% Chance on Critical Attack)
- Blood Burst (Skill)
- Blood Carver
- Blood Harvest
- Blood Orb of Ch'thon
- Blood Pact (Skill)
- Blood Sigil of Ch'Thon
- Blood for Ch'thon
- Blood of Ch'thon
- Blood of Dreeg (Skill)
- Bloodbathed Links
- Bloodborn Sabre
- Bloodbound Ointment
- Bloodbriar's Lair
- Blooddrinker (Granted by Item)
- Bloodfang Oil
- Bloodfeast the Ruthless
- Bloodfury Spaulders
- Bloodhound Greaves
- Bloodied Dagger of the Covenant
- Bloodlord's Blade
- Bloodlord Thalonis
- Bloodmoon
- Bloodreaper's Carnage
- Bloodreaper's Claw
- Bloodreaper's Cleaver
- Bloodreaper's Coat
- Bloodreaper's Cowl
- Bloodreaper's Glory
- Bloodreaper's Mark
- Bloodseal
- Bloodsong
- Bloodstained Note
- Bloodsworn Adulant
- Bloodsworn Codex
- Bloodsworn Priest
- Bloodsworn Repeater
- Bloodsworn Scepter
- Bloodsworn Sigil
- Bloodsworn Signet
- Bloodsworn Vestments
- Bloodsworn Zealot
- Bloodthirster (Granted by Item)
- Bloody Pox (Skill)
- Bloody Whetstone
- Blueprint: Abyssal Mask
- Blueprint: Adept's Bladed Mace
- Blueprint: Adept's Boots
- Blueprint: Adept's Circlet
- Blueprint: Adept's Dagger
- Blueprint: Adept's Flanged Mace
- Blueprint: Adept's Gloves
- Blueprint: Adept's Greaves
- Blueprint: Adept's Grips
- Blueprint: Adept's Hood
- Blueprint: Adept's Morningstar
- Blueprint: Adept's Scepter
- Blueprint: Adept's Spellblade
- Blueprint: Adept's Wand
- Blueprint: Aether Soul
- Blueprint: Arcane Spark
- Blueprint: Arcanum Sigillis
- Blueprint: Badge of Mastery
- Blueprint: Ballistic Plating
- Blueprint: Basilisk Claw
- Blueprint: Battle Shield
- Blueprint: Beastcaller's Cowl
- Blueprint: Beronath, Reforged
- Blueprint: Black Tallow
- Blueprint: Blazethread Sash
- Blueprint: Blessed Steel
- Blueprint: Blessed Whetstone
- Blueprint: Bloody Whetstone