Grim Dawn Wiki
Leathery Hide Complete "A thick hide with a rough surface, perfect for absorbing sudden shocks."

Leathery Hide is a Common component for use in Head Armor. It is obtained primarily through crafting.

The Blueprint: Leathery Hide can be purchased from the Homestead Faction Quartermaster after reaching Respected status.

Required player level: 24

Item level: 30


1/4 +1% Health
+6 Armor
6% Reduced Stun Duration
2/4 +2% Health
+12 Armor
12% Reduced Stun Duration
3/4 +3% Health
+18 Armor
18% Reduced Stun Duration
4/4 +5% Health
+24 Armor
25% Reduced Stun Duration


Crafts one Leathery Hide Partial Component.

Aethercrystal.tex Aether Crystal (1)
Bristly Fur Complete Bristly Fur (1)

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