Grim Dawn Wiki
Hells Bane Ammo Complete "Consecrated ammunition intended to inflict great pain upon those of impure intent."

Lightning Aura (Granted by Item)
Empower your attacks and those of your nearby allies with the power of lightning.

35 Energy Cost

+50 Energy Reserved

15 Meter Radius

1-9 Lightning Damage

+35% Lightning damage

+35% Electrocute damage

8% Chance of Stun target for 0.75 Seconds

Hell's Bane Ammo is a grade 1 component for use in Guns, Crossbows and caster Off-Hands.

Partial components for this item can be crafted via a Blacksmith.

Required player level: 20

Item Level: 25

Grants Skill: Lightning Aura (Granted by Item)


1/4 1-3 Lightning Damage
+6% Lightning Damage

+6% Electrocute Damage
+4% Stun Duration
10% of Physical Damage converted to Lightning Damage

2/4 1-5 Lightning Damage
+12% Lightning Damage

+12% Electrocute Damage
+6% Stun Duration
10% of Physical Damage converted to Lightning Damage

3/4 1-7 Lightning Damage
+18% Lightning Damage

+18% Electrocute Damage
+8% Stun Duration
10% of Physical Damage converted to Lightning Damage

4/4 1-9 Lightning Damage
+25% Lightning Damage

+25% Electrocute Damage
+10% Stun Duration
10% of Physical Damage converted to Lightning Damage
Lightning Aura (Granted by Item)


Scrap Icon Scrap (1)
Cracked Lodestone Complete Cracked Lodestone (1)
Hell's Bane Ammo Complete Hell's Bane Ammo (Partial component - 1/4)

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