Grim Dawn Wiki
Grenado (Skill) Icon   Grenado





Skill Type:


Max. Level:




Associated Skills:

High Impact (Skill) Icon Skyfire Grenado (Skill) Icon

The Grenado is a recent invention that has quickly grown in use on the battlefield where it has evened the playing field between sorcerous manipulation and conventional weaponry.


Skill Progression[]

Level Stats
1/16 35 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
175-340 Physical Damage
33 Piercing Damage
35% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
2/16 38 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
217-384 Physical Damage
41 Piercing Damage
39% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
3/16 42 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
260-426 Physical Damage
48 Piercing Damage
42% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
4/16 46 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
301-467 Physical Damage
55 Piercing Damage
45% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
5/16 50 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
344-511 Physical Damage
63 Piercing Damage
48% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
6/16 54 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
389-554 Physical Damage
71 Piercing Damage
51% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
7/16 59 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
431-598 Physical Damage
78 Piercing Damage
53% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
8/16 64 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
474-640 Physical Damage
86 Piercing Damage
55% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
9/16 69 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
518-682 Physical Damage
93 Piercing Damage
58% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
10/16 74 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
561-727 Physical Damage
101 Piercing Damage
60% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
11/16 79 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
605-770 Physical Damage
109 Piercing Damage
62% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
12/16 84 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
648-813 Physical Damage
116 Piercing Damage
65% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
13/16 90 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
692-857 Physical Damage
125 Piercing Damage
67% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
14/16 96 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
735-900 Physical Damage
133 Piercing Damage
70% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
15/16 102 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
780-944 Physical Damage
139 Piercing Damage
72% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
16/16 108 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
822-987 Physical Damage
148 Piercing Damage
75% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
Ultimate Levels
17/16 114 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
868-1032 Physical Damage
155 Piercing Damage
75% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
18/16 120 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
912-1076 Physical Damage
163 Piercing Damage
75% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
19/16 126 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
957-1119 Physical Damage
170 Piercing Damage
75% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
20/16 132 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
1000-1164 Physical Damage
178 Piercing Damage
75% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
21/16 138 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
1045-1209 Physical Damage
186 Piercing Damage
75% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
22/16 144 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
1089-1253 Physical Damage
194 Piercing Damage
75% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
23/16 150 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
1134-1297 Physical Damage
202 Piercing Damage
75% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
24/16 156 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
1176-1389 Physical Damage
209 Piercing Damage
75% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
25/16 162 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
1218-1383 Physical Damage
217 Piercing Damage
75% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds
26/16 168 Energy Cost
4 Second Skill Recharge
2 Meter Radius
1264-1428 Physical Damage
225 Piercing Damage
75% Chance of Knockdown target for 1.5-3 Seconds

Inquisitor Skills
Active Skills
Word of Renewal (Word of Arms, Vigor, Steel Resolve) • Word of Pain (Word of Agony, Death Sentence) • Horn of GandarrRune of Hagarrad (Biting Cold, Chillsurge) • Storm Box of Elgoloth (Allagast's Arcane Net, Lightning Tether) • Inquisitor Seal (Null Field, Arcane Empowerment) • Deadly AimRune of Kalastor (Ignition) • Artifact Handling
Passive Skills
Ranged ExpertiseBursting RoundChilling RoundsStorm Spread
Channeled Skills
Flames of Ignaffar (Tainted Flame, Intensify, Infernal Purge, Endless Flame)
Toggle Skills
Aura of ConvictionAura of Censure

Necromancer Skills
Active Skills
Siphon Souls (Sear Souls, Blood Boil) • Drain Essence (Gravechill, Hungering Reach, Decomposition) • Ravenous Earth (Decay, Foul Eruption) • Bone Harvest (Harvester of Death, Dread, Soul Harvest) • Ill OmenCall of the GraveMark of Torment
Passive Skills
Reaping StrikeNecrotic Edge
Toggle Skills
Harbinger of SoulsMaster of DeathSpectral Binding (Spectral Wrath)
Summoning Skills
Reap SpiritRaise Skeletons (Undead Legion, Will of the Crypt) • Summon Blight Fiend (Unstable Anomaly, Rotting Fumes, Blight Burst)

Oathkeeper Skills
Active Skills
Eye of Reckoning (Soulfire) • Vire's Might (Volcanic Might, Volcanic Stride, Tectonic Shift) • Aegis of MehnirJudgement (Crushing Verdict, Heart of Wrath) • Righteous Fervor (Dreeg's Reproach, Consecration, Retribution) • ResilienceAscension (Clarity of Purpose)
Passive Skills
SmiteSafeguardShattering SmashAvenging ShieldAegis of ThornsReprisal
Toggle Skills
Divine MandatePresence of Virtue (Haven, Rebuke) • Path of the Three
Summoning Skills
Summon Guardian of Empyreon (Scion of Dreeg, Celestial Presence)
