Grim Dawn Wiki

Etram Fald - Celestial Smith is a Blacksmith located in the Tyrant's Hold dungeon. He spawns on Elite and Ultimate Difficulties only.


Crafted weapons, armor and accessories are imbued with one of the following properties:

  • Increases Health Regeneration by 5-11%
  • +4-12 Defensive Ability
  • +4-12 Offensive Ability

Etram can also craft random Legendary items from 5 categories, for a cost of 75,000 Iron Bits, 1 Polished Emerald, and a quantity of rare crafting materials:

Item type Rare Material Notes
Accessories 8 Ancient Hearts
Armor 8 Blood of Ch'thon includes Belts
Caster Weapons 8 Tainted Brain Matter includes Daggers, Scepters & Off-Hands
Melee Weapons 8 Tainted Brain Matter also includes Shields
Ranged Weapons 8 Ancient Hearts