Grim Dawn Wiki

The Empowered Black Grimoire of Og'Napesh is an Epic off-hand focus item.


Black Grimoire of Og'Napesh Icon

Empowered Black Grimoire of Og'Napesh

"The dark writings of Og'Napesh, condemned necromancer."
Epic Off-Hand

+74% Vitality Damage
+30 Spirit
+35 Offensive Ability
+5.3 Energy Regenerated per second
+10% Casting Speed
+16% Skill Cooldown Reduction

Bonus to All Pets

+30% to All Damage
+6% Movement Speed

Granted Skills

Summon Revenant of Og'Napesh (Granted by Item)
Channel the dark writings of the Grimoire of Og'Napesh to summon his most foul revenant back into the world of the living. Only one revenant can be summoned at any one time. The revenant scales with Pet Bonuses.
414 Energy Cost
60 Second Skill Recharge
Revenant of Og'Napesh Attributes:
10176 Health
1286 Energy
Revenant of Og'Napesh Abilities:
146-321 Physical Damage
122 Fire Damage

Required Player Level: 75
Required Spirit: 715
Item Level: 75

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