Grim Dawn Wiki
Devil-Touched Ammo Complete "Infused with sacrilegious flame."

Demon's Breath (Granted by Item)
Launch a blastwave of unearthly flame at your enemy.

75 Energy Cost

3 Second Skill Recharge

15 Meter Range

25% Weapon Damage

44-72 Fire Damage

85-136 Chaos Damage

5% Reduction to Enemy's Health

10% of Attack Damage converted to Health

Devil-Touched Ammo is a Rare component for use on Guns, Crossbows and caster Off-Hands.

Required player level: 15

Item Level: 16

Grants Skill: Demon's Breath (Granted by Item)


1/4 2-3 Fire Damage
3% Chance of +30% Total Damage
+6% Fire Damage
+6% Chaos Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
2/4 3-4 Fire Damage
5% Chance of +30% Total Damage
+12% Fire Damage
+12% Chaos Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
3/4 4-5 Fire Damage
7% Chance of +30% Total Damage
+18% Fire Damage
+18% Chaos Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
4/4 5-7 Fire Damage
9% Chance of +30% Total Damage
+30% Fire Damage
+30% Chaos Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Fire Damage
Demon's Breath (Granted by Item)

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