Grim Dawn Wiki

Deathchill is a Transcendent Relic.

This item can only be acquired by crafting. A Blueprint is required.


Deathchill Relic Icon


"The chilling touch of death lingers hungrily over all..."
Transcendent Relic

6 Cold Damage
4 Vitality Damage
+30% Cold Damage
5% Attack and
5% Casting Speed
35% Cold Resistance
15% Vitality Resistance

Granted Skills

Deathchill Aura (Granted by Item)
Empower your attacks and those of your nearby allies with the ghastly chill of death. This ability must be toggled to maintain its effect.
30 Energy Cost
3 Active Energy Cost per Second
+150 Energy Reserved
15 Second Skill Recharge
15 Meter Radius
7 Cold Damage
7 Vitality Damage
15% Chance of 69 Frostburn Damage Over 3 Seconds
+15% Cold Damage
+15% Vitality Damage

Required Player Level: 35
Item Level: 35

Completion Bonuses[]

+3% Physique
+3% Cunning
+3% Spirit
+3% Physique
+3% Cunning
+3% Physique
+3% Spirit
+3% Spirit
+3% Cunning
+3% Physique
+3% Spirit
+3% Cunning
+18% Physical Damage
+15% Pierce Damage
+18% Fire Damage
+18% Cold Damage
+18% Lightning Damage
+18% Acid Damage
+18% Vitality Damage
+18% Aether Damage
+18% Chaos Damage
+22% Bleeding Damage
+18% Poison Damage
+22% Internal Trauma Damage
+22% Burn Damage
+22% Frostburn Damage
+22% Electrocute Damage
+22% Vitality Decay Damage
+3% Offensive Ability
+8% Damage to Aetherials
+8% Damage to Chthonics
+8% Damage to Humans
+8% Damage to Beastkin
+8% Damage to Beasts
+8% Damage to Undead

WeaponsArmorShieldsOff-HandsAccessoriesUnique ItemsSetsMonster Infrequents