Grim Dawn Wiki

Citadel is a Mythical Relic.

This item can only be acquired by crafting. A Blueprint is required.


Citadel Relic Icon


"Become like the unbreachable citadel and behold as your enemies meet their doom before your insurmountable walls."
Mythical Relic

+45 Physique
+14% Health
+5% Shield Block Chance
25% Damage Reflected

Granted Skills

Citadel (Granted by Item)
Empower your defenses and those of your allies to become a moving fortress. Requires a shield. This ability must be toggled to maintain its effect.
1 Active Energy Cost per Second
+150 Energy Reserved
15 Meter Radius
+8% Defense Ability
33% Reduction in Bleeding Duration
+25% Shield Damage Blocked
1100 Internal Trauma Retaliation over 5 Seconds

Required Player Level: 60
Item Level: 60

Completion Bonuses[]

+3% Physique
+3% Cunning
+3% Spirit
+3% Physique
+3% Cunning
+3% Physique
+3% Spirit
+3% Spirit
+3% Cunning
+3% Physique
+3% Spirit
+3% Cunning
+5% Health
+10% Energy
Increases Health regeneration by 15%
Increases Energy regeneration by 15%
+3% Defensive Ability
+20% Pierce Resistance
+20% Fire Resistance
+20% Cold Resistance
+20% Lightning Resistance
+20% Poison & Acid Resistance
+15% Vitality Resistance
+10% Aether Resistance
+12% Chaos Resistance
+25% Bleeding Resistance
+30% Life Leech Resistance
25% Reduced Stun Duration
25% Reduced Freeze Duration
10% Elemental Resistance
10% Damage Reflected

WeaponsArmorShieldsOff-HandsAccessoriesUnique ItemsSetsMonster Infrequents