Grim Dawn Wiki
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Bounties are small quests which allow the player to increase faction reputation, and are offered by the various friendly Factions at a Bounty Table.

There are a total of 145 bounties split between the game’s 7 friendly factions. Bounty tasks can take players all over the game world and vary from finding or crafting particular items to slaying Bosses, Heroes or other monsters. There are 35 Hero monsters that spawn exclusively through the bounty system.

General Information[]

  • Bounties are unguided, with minimal instructions and no quest markers on the mini-map.
  • There is a maximum of five bounties per faction per game session.
  • Players can have one bounty from each faction active at any given time.
  • Bounties can still be undertaken after reaching maximum reputation.
  • In addition to the reputation reward for completing a bounty, killing bosses and heroes can grant bonus reputation.
  • Killing an enemy prior to accepting a bounty on them does not complete the bounty. The named mobs respawn once you accept the bounty quest for killing them.
  • Bounty reputation rewards are increased if a character has a writ (+50%) or mandate (+100%) from the relevant Faction.

Bounties by Faction[]

Faction Devil's Crossing Icon Devil's Crossing[]

Bounty Objective Location Rep.
Aether Crystals Collect 5 Aether Cystals (DISABLED) 75
The Aetherflame Slay Rostov "The Aetherflame" Four Hills 125
Ballior Slay Ballior Infested, Dank or Musty Cellar 125
Blade of Ch'thon Slay Salazar, Blade of Ch'thon Depraved Sanctuary 200
The Blooddrinker Slay Caspis, The Blood-drinker Depraved Sanctuary 125
The Bruiser Slay "The Bruiser" Romanov Cronley's Hideout 125
Calamity Craft 1 Calamity Relic N/A 400
Cronley's Ascended Slay Ascended Outlaws (6) Four Hills / Cronley's Hideout 75
Cronley's Lackeys Slay Darius' Lieutenants (3) Four Hills / Cronley's Hideout 125
Halion, The Rat Slay Halion, The Rat Hanneffy Mine 125
Igor Slay Igor "The Brawler" Cronley's Hideout 125
Master of the Pit Slay Boris, Master of the Pit Four Hills 150
Nalloth Slay Nalloth the Frostbound The Warden's Cellar 125
Nicholas Balthazar Slay Nicholas Balthazar Staunton Mine 125
The Raven Slay Bolla "The Raven" Staunton Mine 125
Reanimators Slay 3 Reanimators Hidden Laboratory 75
Scrap Collect 5 Scrap (DISABLED) 75
Slathra Slay Slathra, the Plagued Foggy Bank 125
Tainted Brain Collect 1 Tainted Brain Matter N/A 150
Warden's Pets Slay Gethrand, the Betrayed
and Zanbrandt, the Ascended
Hidden Laboratory 150

Faction Rovers Icon Rovers[]

Bounty Objective Location Rep.
Ancient Heart Collect 1 Ancient Heart N/A 150
Children of Arkovia Slay 4 Harpy Oracles Broken Hills 75
Cronley's Forges Destroy 3 Bandit Forges Four Hills 75
Equilibrium Craft 1 Equilibrium Relic N/A 400
Grum Slay Grum Crumbling Watch 125
Hive Royalty Slay Ulraprax and Ronaprax Stirring Hive, Swarming Hive 150
Lord of Lost Souls Slay Baron Wradlith Spined Cove 125
The Lost Oligarch Slay Oligeane Dar Arkovian Undercity (level 1 or 2) 125
Mortallis Slay Mortallis Steps of Torment (level 2 or 3) 125
The Oligarchs Slay Nomos Dred, Laudos Vagra & Rhovena Kur Arkovian Undercity 125
Pest Control Slay 18 Venomwing Stingers Twin Falls / Swarming Hive 75
Revenants Slay 6 Flame, Frost or Storm Revenants Old Arkovia, Arkovian Undercity, The Steps of Torment 75
Rixna Plaguefeather Slay Rixna Plaguefeather Broken Hills 75
Rolderathis Slay High Priest Rolderathis Sunken Reliquary 150
Royal Jelly Collect 1 Royal Jelly N/A 75
Shattered Soul Slay Kilrian, the Tainted Soul Arkovian Undercity (Level 3) 200
Skeletal Knights Slay 10 Skeletal Knights Old Arkovia, Arkovian Undercity, The Steps of Torment 75
Skeletal Golems Slay 3 Skeletal Monstrosities Arkovian Undercity, Steps of Torment 150
Voldrak Slay Voldrak, the Destroyer Smuggler's Pass 150
Zarthuzellan Slay Grand Priest Zarthuzellan Steps of Torment (Level 3) 150

Faction Homestead Icon Homestead[]

Bounty Objective Location Rep.
Aetherial Vanguard Slay 10 Fleshwarped Vanguards Prospector's Trail, Conflagration 75
Briarthorns Slay 4 Briarthorn Monstrosities Jagged Waste, Shaded Basin 75
Bloodfeast Slay Bloodfeast the Ruthless Tyrant's Hold 150
Cavern Crawlers Slay 5 Cavern Crawlers Mountain Deeps 75
The Deepdweller Slay Gollus, the Deepdweller Den of the Lost 200
Dominators Slay 3 Aetherial Dominators Withering Fields, Conflagration 75
The Gloomweaver Slay Ungoliax, the Gloomweaver Forgotten Depths 150
The Grand Viziers Slay Grand Vizier Lozakal & Grand Vizier Inixil Royal Hive 150
Harvestmen Slay 9 Haunted Harvesters Rotting Croplands, Conflagration 75
The Lifedrinker Slay Glukrog Lifedrinker Mountain Deeps 125
The Locust Slay the Locust Royal Hive 125
The Maneater Slay Gutworm, the Maneater Smuggler's Basin 200
Manticore Alphas Slay 3 Manticore Alphas Jagged Waste 75
Marrowdrinker Slay Bogloth the Marrowdrinker Smuggler's Pass 125
Phabius Slay Phabius Burrwitch Village 125
Queen Ravna Slay Swarm Queen Ravna Hive Queen's Lair 200
Scrap collect 5 Scrap (DISABLED) 75
Stonewart Trolls Slay 6 Stonewart Trolls Smuggler's Pass 75
Vizier Haxin Slay Vizier Haxin Infested Farms 125
Weavils Slay 50 Dermapteran Weavils Rotting Croplands 75

Faction Kymon's Chosen Icon Kymon's Chosen[]

Bounty Objective Location Rep.
The Amalgamation Slay The Amalgamation The Gruesome Harvest 200
Blade of Ch'thon Slay Salazar, Blade of Ch'thon Depraved Sanctuary 200
The Bloodlord Slay Bloodlord Thalonis Seal of the Loghorrean 200
Chosen of Ch'thon Slay Thullon, Chosen of Ch'thon The Blood Grove 125
Chthonic Seal Collect 5 Chthonic Seals of Binding (DISABLED) 75
Corpse-eaters Slay 9 Ghoul Corpse-eaters The Black Sepulcher 75
Cripple the Cult

Kill Bolvar, the Bloodbinder and Zaria, the Carver

The Blood Grove,

Village of Darkvale

The Death's Whisper Slay Ravok, the Death's Whisper Fort Haron 125
Dreadlords Slay 3 Death's Vigil Dreadlords Fort Haron 125
Gorgers Slay 10 Chthonian Gorgers The Blood Grove 75
Igniaa Venomtongue Slay Igniaa Venomtongue Fort Haron 125
Ludia Bloodwhisper Slay Ludia Bloodwhisper Village of Darkvale 125
Malkadarr Slay Malkadarr, Champion of Death's Vigil (DISABLED) 200
Rag'Nadar Slay Rag'Nadar, the Great Maw Ashen Waste 200
The Bonespeaker Slay Holvuur Bonespeaker Fort Haron 125
Ruination Craft a Ruination Relic N/A 400
Salazar Slay Salazar Depraved Sanctuary 200
Unravelers Slay an unraveler Bastion of Chaos 125
Vom'Zul Slay Vom'Zul Ashen Waste 200
The Withered One Slay Abathis, the Withered The Black Sepulcher 125
Zarthuzellan Slay Grand Priest Zarthuzellan Steps of Torment (Level 3) 150

Faction Death's Vigil Icon Order of Death's Vigil[]

Bounty Objective Location Rep.
Archon Barthollem Slay Archon Barthollem (DISABLED) 200
Aetherial Vanguard Slay 10 Fleshwarped Vanguards Prospector's Trail, Conflagration 75
The Ascended Slay Barrostrandt, the Ascended Living Quarters 125
The Behemoth Slay Narroth, the Behemoth The Gruesome Harvest 125
Blade Maidens Slay 10 Kymon's Blade Maidens Fort Haron 125
The Bloodlord Slay Bloodlord Thalonis Seal of the Loghorrean 200
Chthonic Seal Collect 5 Chthonic Seals of Binding (DISABLED) 75
Corpse-eaters Slay 9 Ghoul Corpse-eaters The Black Sepulcher 75
Cripple the Cult Slay Bolvar, the Bloodbinder and Zaria, the Carver The Blood Grove,

Village of Darkvale

The Decayed Slay Gravvis The Black Sepulcher 125
Dominators Slay 3 Aetherial Dominators Homestead 125
Horvald Shieldbreaker Slay Horvald Shieldbreaker Fort Haron 125
Karroz's Pet Slay Narl'Sarroth Darkvale Gate (level 1) 125
Olga Flamebearer Slay Olga Flamebearer Fort Haron 125
Revenant of Death Slay the Death Revenant Steps of Torment (Level 2) 125
Rolderathis Slay High Priest Rolderathis Sunken Reliquary 200
Ruination Craft a Ruination Relic N/A 400
The Skybreaker Slay Sister Bravna, the Skybreaker Fort Haron 125
The Warden's Slaves Slay Gethrand, the Betrayed
and Zanbrandt, the Ascended
Hidden Laboratory 150
Wrathfire Slay Halvastra Wrathfire Hidden Laboratory 125

Faction Black Legion Icon The Black Legion[]

Bounty Objective Location Rep.
Aether Shard Collect 1 Aether Shard (DISABLED) +200
Aether Cluster Collect 1 Aether Cluster (DISABLED) +200
Bane'Gargoth Slay Bane'Gargoth Obsidian Throne +300
Blood of Ch'thon Collect 1 Blood of Ch'thon N/A +300
The Bloodlord Slay Bloodlord Thalonis Seal of the Loghorrean +400
Blood Rites Slay Lagoth'Ak (DISABLED)
Chthonic Seal Collect 5 Chthonic Seals of Binding (DISABLED) +200
Corprus Slay Corprus The Black Sepulcher +400
Doomsayers Slay 6 Bloodsworn Doomsayers The Blood Grove +150
Devourers Slay 9 Chthonian Devourers The Blood Grove +150
Emberjaw Slay Emberjaw Shaded Basin +250
Eternal Ilgorr Slay Ilgorr, the Eternal (DISABLED)
Fleshwarped Commanders Slay 3 Fleshwarped Commanders various +200
Gluttrius'Maw Slay Gluttrius'Maw The Blood Grove +250
Harrath, Returned Slay Harrath the Slaughterer Rotting Croplands +400
Herald of Flame Slay the Herald of the Flame The Conflagration +400
Luthus'Balok Slay Luthus'Balok Obsidian Throne +400
Ol' Bloodbriar Slay Ol' Bloodbriar Bloodbriar's Lair +250
Padmanestia Slay Padmanestia The Conflagration +400
The Prime Matriarch Slay Mogara, the Prime Matriarch Jagged Waste +250
The Ravener Slay Ikrix, the Ravener Mountain Deeps +400
Shattered Soul Slay Kilrian, the Tainted Soul Arkovian Undercity +400
Sicrix Slay Sicrix, the Skittering Mountain Deeps +250
Tainted Brain Collect 1 Tainted Brain Matter N/A +300
The Tainted Vizier Slay Vizier Anoxis Swarming Hatchery +250

Faction Outcast Icon The Outcast[]

Bounty Objective Location Rep.
Ancient Heart Collect 1 Ancient Heart N/A +150
Beating Hearts Collect 3 Ancient Hearts N/A +350
Blood of Ch'thon Collect 1 Blood of Ch'thon N/A +150
Harbinger of Chaos Slay Shar'Zul, Harbinger of Chaos Bastion of Chaos (level 4) +750
Bountiful Blood Collect 3 Blood of Ch'thon N/A +350
Conastaria Slay Conastaria The Gruesome Harvest +150
Corruption Craft a Corruption Relic N/A +500
Glacier Craft a Glacier Relic N/A +500
Guile Craft a Guile Relic N/A +500
Inferno Craft an Inferno Relic N/A +500
Innu'Garbal Slay Innu'Garbal Obsidian Throne +250
Lord Executioner Slay Alkamos The Steps of Torment +750
Ludia Starfire Slay Ludia Starfire The Conflagration +150
Mistborn Talisman Craft a Mistborn Talisman N/A +500
Nucus'Dal Slay Nucus 'Dal Gates of Necropolis +150
Rampage Craft a Rampage Relic N/A +500
Sanctuary Craft a Sanctuary Relic N/A +500
Squall Craft a Squall Relic N/A +500
Tainted Brain Collect 1 Tainted Brain Matter N/A +150
Tainted Brains Collect 3 Tainted Brain Matter N/A +350

FactionsBounties Home
The Black LegionDevil's CrossingHomesteadRoversThe Outcast
Kymon's ChosenOrder of Death's VigilAetherialsChthoniansCronley's GangUndead