Grim Dawn Wiki
Blood of Ch'thon Icon "Coalesced essence of the void god."

Blood of Ch'thon is a Crafting Material. Specifically used to craft the Skeleton Key item.

It can be looted from Ch'thonic and Bloodsworn Heroes and Bosses.

It can also be obtained by killing Direni in the A Cultist In The Midst side quest.

There's a Cursed Smith named Horrus in the Gates of Necropolis who will do you the following exchanges:

1 Tainted Brain Matter + 5K = 1 Ancient Heart

1 Ancient Heart + 5K = 1 Blood of Ch'thon

1 BoC + 10K + 1 corpse dust + 1 ectoplasm = 1 Skeleton Key

1 BoC + 5K = 1 TBM

He's on an elevated platform due north of the Gates of Necropolis portal:



Ancient Heart Icon Ancient Heart (1)
Blood of Ch'thon Icon Blood of Ch'thon (1)

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