Grim Dawn Wiki
Blessed Steel Complete "Steel blessed by the priests of Menhir to vanquish the spreading darkness."

Sacred Strike (Granted by Item)
Strike your enemies with a devastating blow which weakens their resistance to the elements.

32 Energy Cost

3 Second Skill Recharge

250% Weapon Damage

165-254 Elemental Damage

30 Reduced target's Resistances for 5 Seconds

100% Physical damage converted to Elemental Damage

Blessed Steel is a component for use in all Weapons, Shields and Caster Off-Hands.

The Blueprint: Blessed Steel is available from the Kymon's Chosen and Order of Death's Vigil Faction Quartermasters after reaching Respected status.

Required player level: 24

Item Level: 30

Grants Skill: Sacred Strike (Granted by Item)


1/3 2 Elemental Damage
+6% Elemental Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+6 Offensive Ability
2/3 3 Elemental Damage
+12% Elemental Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+12 Offensive Ability
3/3 4 Elemental Damage
+18% Elemental Damage
10% Physical Damage converted to Elemental Damage
+18 Offensive Ability
Sacred Strike (Granted by Item)


Crafts one Partial Blessed Steel Component.

Aethercrystal.tex Aether Crystal (1)
Imbued Silver Complete Imbued Silver (1)

WeaponsArmorShieldsOff-HandsAccessoriesUnique ItemsSetsMonster Infrequents