Grim Dawn Wiki
Arcane Spark Complete "A spark of the purest arcane energy."

Arcane Spark is a Rare component for use in Amulets and Medals, and is obtained primarily through crafting.

The Blueprint: Arcane Spark is available from the Black Legion Faction Quartermasters after reaching Respected status.

Required player level: 35

Item Level:45


1/4 9 Energy Leech over 3 Seconds
Increases Energy Regeneration by 5%
+9 Offensive Ability
2/4 21 Energy Leech over 3 Seconds
Increases Energy Regeneration by 10%
+18 Offensive Ability
3/4 33 Energy Leech over 3 Seconds
Increases Energy Regeneration by 15%
+27 Offensive Ability
4/4 45 Energy Leech over 3 Seconds
Increases Energy Regeneration by 20%
+36 Offensive Ability


Crafts one Arcane Spark Partial Component.

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