Grim Dawn Wiki

Annihilation is a Mythical Relic.

This item can only be acquired by crafting. A Blueprint is required.


Annihilation Relic Icon


"The skies shall tear asunder, and fire shall rain from crimson heavens..."
Mythical Relic

8-14 Fire Damage
+60% Physical Damage
+60% Fire Damage
+37 Cunning
+45 Spirit
+1 to All Skills in Demolitionist

Granted Skills

Meteor (Granted by Item)
Rip through the fragile barrier between the nether and the mortal realm as you conjure a massive burning rock to drop upon your enemies.
425 Energy Cost
8 Second Skill Recharge
3 Meter Target Area
4 Meter Radius
30% Weapon Damage
732-1214 Physical Damage
437-640 Fire Damage
675 Burn Damage Over 5 Seconds
Stun target for 2-3.5 Seconds

Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70

Completion Bonuses[]

+1 to Temper
+1 to Agonizing Flames
+1 to Heavy Ordnance
+1 to Stun Jacks
+1 to Explosive Strike
+1 to Temper
+1 to Demon Fire
+1 to High Impact
+1 to Full Spread
+1 to Skyfire Grenado
+1 to Searing Light
+1 to Brimstone
+1 to Ulzuin's Wrath
+1 to Static Strike
+1 to High Impact
+1 to Searing Light
+1 to Improved Casing
+1 to High Impact
+1 to Lightning Arc
+1 to "The Big One"

WeaponsArmorShieldsOff-HandsAccessoriesUnique ItemsSetsMonster Infrequents