Grim Dawn Wiki

Agrivix's Malice is a Mythical Relic.

This item can only be acquired by crafting. A Blueprint is required.


Agrivix's Malice Relic Icon

Agrivix's Malice

"The secrets of the aether are ours for the taking. I simply do not fear what lies beyond the veil."
Mythical Relic

+65% Aether Damage
+65% Chaos Damage
+5% Casting Speed
30% Aether Resistance
+1 to All Skills in Arcanist
+15% Damage to Aetherials
+15% Damage Aether Corruptions

Granted Skills

Agrivix's Malice (25% Chance on Attack)
Harness the fury of Agrivix, creating swirling bursts of aether and chaos energy around you.
0.5 Second Skill Recharge
100% Chance to pass through Enemies
0.3 Meter Radius
332 Aether Damage
105-244 Chaos Damage

Required Player Level: 70
Item Level: 70

Completion Bonuses[]

+1 to Overload
+1 to Inferno
+1 to Distortion
+1 to Elemental Balance
+1 to Inferno
+1 to Absolute Zero
+1 to Absolute Zero
+1 to Disintegration
+1 to Conversion
+1 to Star Pact
+1 to Supercharged
+1 to Frozen Core
+1 to Proliferation
+1 to Shattered Star
+1 to Disintegration
+1 to Star Pact
+1 to Frozen Core
+1 to Absolute Zero
+1 to Shattered Star
+1 to Elemental Balance

WeaponsArmorShieldsOff-HandsAccessoriesUnique ItemsSetsMonster Infrequents