Grim Dawn Wiki

Aegis is a Mythical Relic.


Aegis Relic Icon


"The guiding light of Ishtak cleanses of pain and fills with renewed resolve."
Mythic Relic

+35% Physical Damage
+44 Defensive Ability
+4% Defensive Ability
+17 Health Regenerated per second
Increases Health Regeneration by 20%
40% Vitality Resistance

Granted Skills

Aegis (8% chance on Attack)
Imbue your shield with divine light, protecting you from further harm as it absorbs incoming blows.
8 Second Skill Recharge
6 Second Skill Duration
8% + 350 Health Restored
+25% All Damage
Increases Health Regeneration by 50%
Increases Armor by 20%

Required Player Level: 60
Item Level: 60

Completion Bonuses[]

+3% Physique
+3% Cunning
+3% Spirit
+3% Physique
+3% Cunning
+3% Physique
+3% Spirit
+3% Spirit
+3% Cunning
+3% Physique
+3% Spirit
+3% Cunning
+5% Health
+10% Energy
Increases Health regeneration by 15%
Increases Energy regeneration by 15%
+3% Defensive Ability
+20% Pierce Resistance
+20% Fire Resistance
+20% Cold Resistance
+20% Lightning Resistance
+20% Poison & Acid Resistance
+15% Vitality Resistance
+10% Aether Resistance
+12% Chaos Resistance
+25% Bleeding Resistance
+30% Life Leech Resistance
25% Reduced Stun Duration
25% Reduced Freeze Duration
10% Elemental Resistance
10% Damage Reflected

WeaponsArmorShieldsOff-HandsAccessoriesUnique ItemsSetsMonster Infrequents